Trinity’s Capital Campaign 2023:
Bringing our blessings to the community.
Campaign Goal: $750,000
Challenge Goal: $250,000
Campaign Projects
Environment: Modernizing and greening our mechanicals - $300,000
Trinity’s current HVAC system, including 40+ year and only partially operational boiler is extremely inefficient and we are paying thousands extra in utility costs every year. We are also paying tens of thousands of extra dollars every year in maintenance and contracts to keep the current system running. The Capital Plan is to work with expert architects and engineers to design and install a modern and efficient heating and cooling system that will significantly lower our annual operating costs, bring heat and air to areas of the church that are not currently served, keep our air cleaner inside, add insulation and sealing where needed to help with efficiency, and help us be better stewards of God’s creation.
Parish Life: Community Space Improvement - $150,000
Our building is essential to our Parish Life and Community Outreach. We plan to upgrade our se- curity, both by upgrading our externally-focused security system and cameras, as well as installing glass in all of our classroom doors. We will meet our changing kitchen needs, as well as conserve utilities by installing new appliances and a range hood. Many of our carpets throughout the building are over 40 years old and need replaced. Finally, our large gathering space, the May Room, needs technology upgrades and the floor refinished and protected.
Worship: Our Sacred Spaces - $300,000
Preserving the beauty of our Sanctuary, both its interior and exterior, is a priority for this Campaign. The bulk of needed work is for maintenance on our historic stained-glass windows. This work will use newer preservation techniques to ensure they are protected from the elements for decades to come. Protecting and refinishing the floors, and a new Assisted Listening System are also priorities.
Challenge Goal: Preservation and Maintenance Endowment - $250,000
Although we will have succeeded in all we set out to do together when we reach our Primary Goal of $750,000, any gift raised above that goal will be used to create a Preservation and Maintenance Endowment so that we can work to fully fund our maintenance schedule every year.
How you can help
We hope you will join us as we work to fulfill the needed maintenance to preserve our historic church. Gifts of every size are important to the success of our $750,000 campaign. The following chart shows the necessary gifts to meet our goal. Please search your heart, pray for guidance, and give according to your ability and conscience. A 3-year payment schedule is available for all pledges, and this can be stretched over a 5-year period as needed.
Make your pledge today
Other ways to give
In addition to your pledge, you may also want to consider making a planned gift, such as a bequest in your will, a gift of life insurance, a charitable annuity, or a gift of appreciated stock. More info on the on these kinds of gifts can be found by clicking the “Learn More” button below. If you want to support the campaign in this way, contact the church office at Trinity Episcopal Church.
A word from The Reverend Peter D. D’Angio, Rector:
Trinity Episcopal Church has been part of the Covington community for over 180 years. Over all that time, Trinity has remained a leader in the city and the Northern Kentucky region. Over the past several years, we have actively sought new ways to engage in the life of the community. We have worked to expand our ministry of bringing God’s strength and healing to individuals, businesses, and community partners. Following the footsteps of our forebearers, we seek to be a blessing to the greater community reaching far beyond the walls of our church.
As we walk this path, we discover the grand mystery of God’s blessings. The more we hear the blessings our ancestors have given us, greater are the blessings we have to share with the community. These blessings, be they monetary, physical, or spiritual, are never static. They are alive and active, and God allows them to flow through us. We see this most tangibly in our building, where generations have each added their mark to its form, enhancing its beauty as a legacy for future generations, and made possible in part by the blessings of the Book of Remembrance Trust.
This is our moment to share these blessings. Your gifts will ensure that Trinity continues to serve as a beacon of light and hope not only for the people of Trinity, but for the people of Covington and the entire region. Your generosity will allow us to maintain a spiritual home for generations to come. We may never hear their thanks, but our gifts represent our heartfelt gratitude to our an- cestors who shared God’s blessings for our benefit.