Adopted by Vestry February 10, 2024 - Updated February 25, 2024


The Rector, Wardens and Vestry of Trinity Church of Covington, Inc., Kentucky acknowledge their adherence to the Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, and also acknowledge their adherence to the Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington.


The name of the parish church is Trinity Church but is hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Trinity Episcopal Church". It is located in Covington, Kentucky and is a parish church in union with the General Convention of the Episcopal Church and the Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington


Trinity Episcopal Church, being in union with the General Convention of the Episcopal Church and the Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington, hereby declares that it subscribes to the Constitution and Canon Law of the Episcopal Church and the Canon Law of the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington. Any bylaws and church policy adopted and enacted by the Vestry shall be in conformance with the aforementioned Constitution and Canon Laws and, if in conflict therewith, shall not be effective.


a) The governing body of the parish shall be known as the Vestry. It shall consist of the Rector and not less than three nor more than fifteen Communicants who, as determined by the Vestry, shall be elected annually by the congregation. Until changed by the Vestry, the membership of the Vestry shall consist of nine elected Communicants and the Rector.

b) The Vestry shall be elected as set forth in these by-laws in Article VII. The Vestry shall be divided into three classes equally, each class to serve a period of three years. If the vestry size is to be changed, pursuant to III (a), the requirement that the classes be equal may be waived for the period of time required to make the classes equal, so long as the classes will be equal within two years. The three-year period for service on the Vestry begins on the first day of the year following the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections at which the members are to be elected.

Section 1 - Times for Regular Meetings

The regular meeting of the Vestry shall be on the second Monday of each month or at such times as the Vestry shall determine. The Vestry shall fix the time of its regular meetings.

Section 2 - Call for Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Vestry may be called by the Rector, the Senior Warden, or, in the absence of both, the Junior Warden. A special meeting also may be called by a simple majority of the Vestry. Upon call of a special meeting, the Clerk or other officers of the Vestry shall notify each member three days advance of the special meeting. Notice of a special meeting shall be communicated to each Vestry member by electronic mail and/or telephonic notification and the notice shall state the reason for the meeting. No other business may be considered at that special meeting. No meeting shall be held without the Rector, the Senior Warden, and the Junior Warden being so notified or present at the meeting.

Section 3 - Absence from Meetings

Vestry members who miss more than two consecutive meetings without notifying the Rector or Senior Warden of their reasons for absence may be requested to resign.

Section 4 - Quorum and Voting Rules

Fifty-one percent of the elected members shall constitute a quorum. All questions before the Vestry which require a vote shall be by voice vote and, following the obtaining of a quorum, the affirmative vote of a majority of those present and voting shall be necessary and sufficient to carry same, except as otherwise herein provided. Should a poll be asked, it shall be taken by a show of hands. In issues involving individuals, at the request of any member of Vestry, a secret ballot may be taken. By majority vote of the Vestry, which shall be a simple majority of members present when a quorum has been declared, any regular monthly meeting of the Vestry may be canceled. In the necessity for vote of the Vestry outside of scheduled regular monthly meetings, the Rector, or Senior Warden if the Rector is absent, may facilitate a vote by email. The presented matter requiring electronic vote shall be emailed to all members of the Vestry. All members of the Vestry must reply in favor or opposed to the Facilitator and the Clerk only. If any member of the Vestry requests the vote be delayed, the vote will be delayed until the next regularly scheduled Vestry meeting. A response from all Vestry members is required. If all responses are not collected, the facilitator may contact Vestry members to collect all votes. The approved or denied proposal shall be added to the next regularly scheduled vestry meeting as a review to be made in the Agenda and Minutes.

Section 5 - Presiding Officer and Succession.

The Rector of the parish shall be the presiding officer of Vestry, or in the Rector's absence, the Senior Warden, or in the absence of the Rector and the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden. In case all three are absent, the Vestry shall elect one of their own number to serve as the presiding officer at that meeting.

Section 6 - Election of Officers

At the January meeting of the Vestry, the new Vestry shall elect the Vestry officers enumerated herein for the year.

Section 7 - Election, Term of Office and Re-election.

Each class of new Vestry members shall be elected at each Annual Parish Meeting for Elections (as set forth in Article VII) by the congregation for a term of three years; provided, however, that at the expiration of a member's term, each shall be ineligible for re-election within one year after expiration of said term (as set forth in Article VI, Section 7). The "year" shall be defined as the period from the first day of the year following the Parish Meeting called for by Article VII.

Section 8 - Order of Business.

a) The most current edition of The Democratic Rules of Order shall govern all of the proceedings of the Vestry unless it shall have adopted a special rule applicable to the matter called in question. The agenda for regularly scheduled meetings will be distributed to the Vestry members at least 5 days prior to the meeting together with the Consent Agenda and with such materials as may be necessary for discussion at the meeting.

b) The Rector, Senior Warden and the Junior Warden shall constitute the Agenda Committee and shall meet prior to each meeting of the Vestry to set the agenda, collect and review reports and attachments to the agenda, and cause it to be distributed to the Vestry.

c) The Agenda Committee shall prepare a Consent Agenda for each meeting of the Vestry which shall include at the least the minutes of the meetings of the Vestry which are to be approved, any reports of the clergy or staff reports, and all written reports of the Commissions or committees. If, in the opinion of the Chair, a substantive question is raised as to any portion of the Consent Agenda, that portion shall be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately. The consent agenda shall be approved by a single vote without substantive discussion.

d) Any member of the Vestry may place a matter on the agenda by contacting the Clerk of the Vestry at least 7 days prior to the Vestry meeting or the Vestry may consider any matter not on the agenda issued by the Agenda Committee by an affirmative vote of a majority of those present and voting.


Section 1:

In addition to the duties of Vestries set forth in the Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Canons and Constitution of the Diocese of Lexington, the duties of the Vestry are to take charge of and regulate the temporal affairs of the parish and to present a full statement of its financial condition at the Annual Reports Meeting; to sustain and further the Church's mission; to cooperate with the Rector and full-time associated clergy, if any, for the promotion of the spiritual welfare of his/her cure; to see that the Rector and full-time associated clergy are properly supported and to see that salaries, and pension fund premiums, and church group life and comprehensive medical care insurance expenses for the Rector and full-time associated clergy are regularly and punctually paid; and, in case of a vacancy in the Rectorship, to fill the same as soon as possible in accord with procedures established by the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington.

Section 2:

The specific duties of the Vestry are as follows:

a. Election of a Rector whenever a vacancy occurs in that office in accord with the procedures established by the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington.

b. Preparation of the Annual Parish Budget and its enactment.

c. Handling of all money coming into the Parish, with the exception of the Rector's Discretionary Fund and Associate Rector's Discretionary Fund (if any), and any such special funds as shall have the approval of the Vestry as to their collection and disbursement. No solicitation of funds from members of the congregation for any reason shall be permitted except with the prior authorization of the Vestry or the Rector. Approval of any memorial or designated gift of money, equipment, or furniture meant for church use, including the final approval of the detailed plans of any capital improvement to the building or grounds.

d. Election of Vestry Officers at the regular meeting of the Vestry in January.

f. Filling of vacancies on the Vestry, should they occur, until the next Annual Parish Meeting for Elections in accord with the procedures set forth in these Bylaws.

g. Maintenance of building and grounds.


At the regular meeting of the Vestry in January, the Vestry shall elect out of their own number the following officers: a Senior Warden (The Rector's Warden) nominated by the Rector, a Junior Warden (the People's Warden) nominated by the Vestry, and a Clerk. The Vestry shall also elect a Treasurer, who may or may not be a member of the Vestry. If the Treasurer is not a member of the Vestry, the Treasurer may sit with the Vestry in all meetings and speak as to all issues facing the Vestry, but may not vote as a member of the Vestry. The term of office of each officer shall be from the regular meeting of the Vestry in January.

a. The Rector shall be the presiding officer at Vestry meetings and shall perform such other duties as prescribed by the Canons. The Rector may originate motions and enter into debate; but, when so doing, the Rector shall call upon one of the other members of the Vestry to take the chair

b. The Senior Warden: As the Senior Lay Officer of the Parish, it shall be the Senior Warden's special duty to counsel with the Rector from time to time concerning the spiritual state of the Parish and to assist the Rector in promoting such projects and activities as may be undertaken for the general welfare of the Parish. The Senior Warden presides at Vestry Meetings in the absence of the Rector or if there is no Rector. The Senior Warden has the general responsibility for the general Parish programs.

c. The Junior Warden: It shall be the duty of the Junior Warden to keep informed regarding the general attitude of the congregation at large and to act as the congregation's representative in matters which concern the general welfare of the Parish. The Junior Warden presides at Vestry Meetings in the absence of both the Rector and the Senior Warden.

d. Clerk: The Clerk shall have the duties designated as Secretary by Diocesan Canons. The Clerk shall attend all meetings, record the names of those present, record all votes and the minutes of all proceedings in a book to be kept for that purpose, and shall perform such other duties as may legally be assigned to this office and shall deliver to the succeeding Clerk all books, records and papers belonging to the Parish.

e. Treasurer: It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to have oversight of parish funds. In this capacity, this person shall accomplish the following tasks: (1) receive all parish funds, and cause same to be counted and deposited in the name of and to the credit of the Parish, in such depositories as may be designated by the Vestry; (2) manage the accurate accounting of all money as directed by the Vestry and executed in accordance with the business methods prescribed in the Canons of the National Church and Diocesan Canons; (3) disburse funds as may be ordered by the Vestry; and (4) render an account of all transactions and of the financial condition of the Parish to the Vestry at its regular meeting or whenever the Vestry may require. The Treasurer shall be bonded as required by the canons and there shall be an annual audit of the books of the Parish by a committee of the Vestry or persons designated by the Vestry who shall report back to the Vestry. The Treasurer serves on the Budget and Stewardship Commissions.  A Treasurer will serve no more than five one-year consecutive terms.

f. Vestry shall have the authority to add duties and responsibilities to the enumerated offices not inconsistent with those set forth above in sections a through e.


Section 1: Annual Parish Meeting for Elections

There shall be an Annual Parish Meeting for Elections held on or after the 2nd Sunday in November, and no later than the 2nd Sunday in December. The purpose of the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections is to elect members to serve on the Vestry, fill vacancies of unexpired terms that may exist, and elect delegates to the Diocesan Convention. Notice of such meetings shall be given at not less than two public Sunday services held in the parish preceding the day of the meeting. This notice shall be both written and oral. The initial announcement of the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections shall list full instructions for qualifying as a voter, as outlined in the Canons of the National Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington.

Section 2: Eligibility to Vote

Qualified voters at the meetings of the Parish shall be

a) all those communicants who are confirmed, or have been received, in good standing of the age of sixteen years or older, and

b) any other baptized persons of such age who are regular worshipers in the parish and who for twelve months immediately preceding the meeting have been regular contributors of time, talent or financial contribution to the support of the parish.

Section 3: Eligibility for Election

a) Those persons eligible for election to Vestry shall be

1. communicants aged sixteen or older, confirmed or received in good standing as a regular contributor of time, talent or treasure in support of the parish for at least twelve months prior to such election,

2. shall not be a member of the family of a current Vestry member; "family" is defined for these purposes as including those resident with the vestry member,

3. shall not receive remuneration for services rendered to the Church during the term of Vestry membership; but this prohibition shall not prevent a Vestry member from being paid for incidental services that are not to be provided on an on-going basis, provided that a comparable option for the services and their payment has been obtained prior to the retention of that member, that the arrangement is disclosed to the Vestry, and that the affected member does not participate in the vote by Vestry authorizing those services,

4. shall not be clergy or clergy family, or

5. a retiring vestry member per Section 7.

b) Those persons eligible for election as Delegates and/or Alternates to Diocesan Convention shall be communicants aged sixteen or older, confirmed or received in good standing and a regular worshiper and contributor of time, talent or treasure in support of the parish for at least twelve months prior to such election.

Section 4: Election Committee

This committee shall consist of those Vestry members whose regular Vestry terms are expiring. They shall choose a Chairperson from among themselves. The committee's duties shall be as follows:

a. Solicit nominations and receive, mail, and post nomination forms for Vestry and Diocesan Convention Delegates.

b. Prepare all ballots for elections.

c. Tally and maintain the results of said elections.

d. Keep in strict confidence all individual voting results as to the number of votes each candidate receives.

Section 5: Nomination and Election of Vestry Members

a. At least two months prior to the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections the elections Committee shall solicit nominations. Nominations shall be solicited in various written or electronic media, including the Sunday services, parish publications, and the Parish webpage and posted notices within the parish building.

b. Anyone eligible to vote as described in section 2 may nominate him or herself.

c. The person making the nomination is responsible for verifying that the nominee is willing to stand for election and serve on the vestry.

d. Nominees shall fill out a nomination form/ questionnaire consisting of specific and open-ended questions that describe the nominee and his or her reasons for offering to serve on Vestry. Along with the form each nominee shall receive a description of the responsibilities of Vestry members.

e. The nomination form shall be submitted to the Elections Committee one month before the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections. This information shall be distributed to all parishioners and posted in a prominent place at the church at least three weeks before the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections.

f. If there are more than fifteen nominees a special election shall be held two weeks before the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections to narrow the field to ten. This ballot shall be distributed at all church services on such Sunday and each eligible voter shall be instructed to vote for ten or fewer candidates from the prepared ballot. In the event of a tie vote for the tenth position, the candidates involved shall be carried over to the final ballot.

g. On the Sunday before the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections, the candidates shall be introduced to the parish and each candidate shall be allowed to address the parish at a time and in a manner as determined by Vestry that will allow for the largest group of parishioners to see and hear the candidates, preferably at or during a meeting immediately following the Sunday service.

h. At the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections, the eligible nominees receiving the most votes shall be elected from a ballot which shall contain the names of the candidates who were introduced to the parish. A ballot shall be distributed to all eligible voters at the beginning of services and shall be collected following the services. Each eligible voter may cast as many votes as there are openings up for election, or fewer, from the prepared ballot.

i. In the event of a tie vote for the last available position for vestry in the election at the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections, a "run-off' election between those who have tied for the final position shall be conducted by written ballot, and the candidate with the most votes shall be elected to the Vestry.

j. There shall be no nomination of candidates for the Vestry from the floor.

k. If an election is necessary at the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections to fill an unexpired term of a Vestry member, the candidate receiving the next highest vote in the Vestry election shall be elected to fill the unexpired term.

Section 6: Vacancies

Vacancies occurring in the Vestry during the period between Annual Parish Meetings for Elections may be filled by the Vestry.

Section 7: Retiring Vestry Members- Eligibility for Re-Election

a. No member of the Vestry who is retiring and who has completed a full three-year term, or who is filling an unexpired term of greater than one year, is eligible for re-election to the Vestry for a period of one year.

Retiring Vestry members, who were elected by the Vestry to fill a portion of an unexpired term of not more than one year or  elected by the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections to fill a portion of an unexpired term of not more than one year, are eligible for election to a three-year term without waiting the one-year period.

Section 8: Nomination and Election of Convention Delegates

a. At least two months prior to the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections, the Elections Committee shall solicit nominations. Nominations shall be solicited in written or electronic various media, including the Sunday services, parish publications, notification on the Parish webpage and within the parish building. 

b. Any eligible voter (as described in section 2) may make a convention delegate nomination.

c. The person making the nomination is responsible for verifying that the nominee is willing to stand for election and serve as a convention delegate.

d. Nominees shall fill out a nomination form/ questionnaire consisting of specific and open-ended questions that describe the nominee and his or her reasons for offering to serve as a convention delegate. Along with the form each nominee shall receive a description of the responsibilities of a convention delegate.

e. The nomination form and a picture of the nominee shall be submitted to the Elections Committee one month before the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections. This information shall be distributed to all parishioners and posted in a prominent place at the church at least three weeks before the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections.

f. At the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections, six eligible nominees shall be elected. The top four vote getters shall be delegates and the next two shall be alternates. A ballot shall be distributed to all eligible voters attending the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections (during the service) and following the services each eligible voter shall be permitted to vote for four or fewer candidates from the prepared ballot.

g. In the event of a tie vote in the election of the last available position as a delegate, at the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections, a "runoff" election between those persons who have tied shall be conducted by written ballot, and the candidate with the most votes shall be elected.

h. There shall be no nomination of candidates for convention delegate from the floor.

Section 9: Absentee Balloting

Eligible voters who will not be present on the Sunday of the election may request an absentee ballot from the Senior Warden during the two weeks prior to the election. A completed ballot must be received in the church office during regular business hours by the Friday prior to the election. Electronic absentee ballots may be accepted.

Section 10: Leadership for Annual Parish Meeting for Elections

The Rector shall preside at the Annual Parish Meeting for Elections, or in the case of the Rector's absence, or if there is no Rector, then the Senior Warden shall preside.


Section 1:

The Annual Parish Reports Meeting shall be held no later than the fifteenth day following the second Sunday in February of each year or as soon thereafter as practicable. Notice of such meetings shall be given at not less than two public Sunday Services held in the parish, preceding the day of the meeting. This notice shall be both written and by voice. For special Meetings of the Parish, written notice shall be given as to the day, place and hour of the meeting, as well as to the purpose for which it is called. Such notice, both written and oral, shall be made at least two Sundays prior to the meeting.

Section 2:

The purpose of the Annual Reports Meeting is to hear reports by the Rector, the Vestry, the Commissions, and any parish organizations and to hear reports about and discuss the financial condition of the Parish.

Section 3:

A majority vote of the eligible voters present shall be necessary for an election or the adoption of a matter voted upon. Eligible voters working in the Church nursery, kitchen, etc. shall be deemed present for purposes of all elections. Votes by proxy shall not be allowed.

Section 4:

The Rector shall preside at such meetings, or in the case of the Rector's absence, or if there is no Rector, then the Senior Warden shall preside.

Section 5:

A special meeting of the parish may be called by the Rector or by the Vestry, with a majority of the Vestry having voted for the meeting, provided a notice similar to that of the Annual Parish Meeting is given.


Section 1: Names of the Commissions

The Vestry shall be organized into the following Commissions: Physical Resources, Spiritual Growth, Human Resources, Nurture and Parish Growth, Communications, Outreach, Budget, and Stewardship. Vestry retains the right to eliminate or add new commissions, and to change the duties and responsibilities of any Commission.

Section 2: Election of Commission Chairs

At the first regular meeting of the Vestry in January, Commission Chairpersons shall be chosen in the following manner: Each Vestry person will be asked to state the Commissions on which he/she that person would be willing to serve as active liaison from the Vestry to the Commission. That person will act as convener of the first meeting of the Commission at which time the Commission will elect a Chairperson. Any Parishioner who wishes may state a desire to serve on a Commission. The Commission Chairperson shall be elected from those in attendance at the first meeting of the Commission. A Commission Chairperson may serve without being a member of the Vestry.

Section 3: Duties of Commissions

These Commissions are to assist in the life and work of the Parish but do not have the authority of the Vestry except as expressly permitted by the Vestry. Their missions and responsibilities are as follows:

Physical Resources

The Physical Resources Commission has the responsibility for the maintenance and preservation of the soundness and appearance of all physical entities of the church property, and the planning and documentation of all changes thereto with the objective of facilitating the worship, educational, and community activities of the parish.

Spiritual Growth

The Spiritual Growth Commission is composed of: worship, music, and Christian Education, which are under the direction of the Rector by Canon. Through dialog among the Rector, staff, and parishioners, areas of responsibility include: to create liturgies that express our Episcopal identity; to create and implement ongoing programs for all ages, so that all may embrace more fully our Biblical Story and Episcopal Tradition; and to create opportunities, for all ages, to live out our Baptismal Covenant by sharing our time, talents, and treasure within the parish and among our local and global communities.

Human Resources

The Human Resources Commission's purpose is to ensure a parish where all workers, paid and volunteer, are valued and productive through provision of support and educational resources and through a process of evaluation and accountability. Its areas of responsibilities include: employment in conjunction and compliance with Canons and other applicable laws; compensation and benefits; disciplinary process for staff; and the recruiting, care, and training of volunteers.

Nurture and Parish Growth

The purpose of the Nurture and Parish Growth Commission is to stimulate spiritual growth, welcome and accommodate newcomers and to deepen the connection with the surrounding communities and cities. Its areas of responsibilities include: to stimulate growth from within and outside the Parish; to welcome and accommodate newcomers; to collect newcomer data and correspond with newcomers; to increase the awareness of the Parish and to make the Parish known to surrounding communities and cities; to assign greeters for the Sunday services; to assign ushers for the Sunday services; and to offer evangelism tools for the Parish, newcomers and the unchurched.


The Communications Commission is formed to assure consistent communications with all audiences of Trinity Church including existing members, prospective members, the local community, the Diocese and the National Church. The Commission provides an overall communications framework that enables and empowers the Parish and its members to tell its story and record its history. The Commission is responsible for assuring that there is timely and consistent information about recent and upcoming activities.


The Budget Commission shall oversee the consolidation of the annual budget for the Vestry. The commission is composed of each of the Vestry Commission and Committee Chairs, staff members who have budget responsibility, a representative from each of the Parish’s Charitable Trusts, and other members of the Parish with knowledge of Parish Finances. The Commission will start meeting in October and deliver its final budget proposal to Vestry ahead of its January meeting. The Treasurer serves on the Budget Commission.


The Stewardship Commission shall oversee the coordination and communication of all fundraising efforts. This includes, but is not limited to, the Annual Stewardship Campaign, Planned Giving, any Capital Campaign needs, any grant efforts, and all other smaller fundraising programs. The commission is responsible for organizing its efforts to meet the long-term strategic goals as outlined by Vestry. The Treasurer serves on the Stewardship Commission. 


The Outreach Commission shall create opportunities to live out the Baptismal Covenant by sharing time, talents, and treasure within the local parish and the global community. The Commission shall seek out opportunities to serve and to help, primarily in the areas of food, shelter, and education; while also seeking to collaborate with social service organizations and other churches to further the reach of resources. The commission will strive to serve the needs of those who are food insecure in Covington, those who seek safety and shelter, those who are refugees in the Northern Kentucky area, and those children and adults who seek to further their education. The commission will also support similar needs as they arise within the diocese and the global community.

Section 4. Reporting requirements of Commissions.

The Commissions shall submit regular reports to the Vestry no later than 7 days prior to each Vestry meeting. If a Commission submits a report to the Agenda Committee requiring action by the Vestry, the Commission shall submit a proposed resolution with that submission for consideration by Vestry and shall supply supporting material for the action sought. In the absence of the affirmative vote by Vestry, no proposal shall be considered in the absence of such material.


Section 1:

The authority of and responsibility for the conduct of the worship and the spiritual jurisdiction of the parish are vested in the Rector, subject to the Rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer the Constitution of the Church, and the pastoral direction of the Bishop.

Section 2:

For the purposes of the office and for the full and free discharge of all functions and duties pertaining thereto the Rector shall at all times be entitled to use and control of the Church and the Parish buildings with the appurtenances and furniture thereof.

Section 3:

Wedding and Funeral directors are not allowed to decorate the Church except by approval of the Rector and under the supervision of a member of the Altar Guild, appointed by the Rector.

Section 4:

On no occasion will a person, other than the regular parish organist, be permitted to play the Church organ, except upon advice and consent of the parish organist and/or the Rector.

Section 5:

Other than for Parish activities, no person or group may use the Parish buildings, or the Church, without the consent of the Rector who may require the advice of the Vestry. Fees may be charged for use of Church property.


Section 1:

Upon ratification by the Vestry of these bylaws, they shall supersede all other ordinances, resolutions and bylaws of the Rector, Wardens, and Vestry of Trinity Church, heretofore enacted.

Section 2:

Procedures established by the Vestry shall be in conformance with these bylaws.


When the Vestry shall decide that the existing bylaws of this Parish should be amended, revised, repealed, added to, or altered in any way, such proposed change shall be read at a regular meeting of the Vestry, with a second reading of the proposed changes along with the vote of the adoption or rejection taking place at the next regular meeting, requiring a two-thirds majority vote of the Vestry present and voting. Notice of any proposed changes to the Parish bylaws shall be posted on the bulletin board of the Parish House.