Lay Worship Ministries
Liturgy Assistants
Lay people assist during services under the guidance of the Rector and in some cases after being licensed by the Bishop.
Acolytes, grades 5 and older, are trained by an Acolyte Master and the Rector to assist at the altar during worship.
Lay Readers are appointed by the Rector to read the Lessons of the day
Eucharistic ministers are appointed by the Rector and licensed by the Bishop to help distribute the elements during Communion.
Ushers welcome the congregation at the doors before services, give out the order of service, attend to the needs of those who need assistance, count the number present, collect and present the offering, and generally help maintain decorum before and during services.
Chimers play hymns on the keyboard for the bells before church on a rotating basis with other chimers.
Oblation Bearers carry the wine, water, and bread to the altar during the offertory.
Altar Guild
Members of the Altar Guild take care of the needs of the altar and its appointments for all church services. They also meet three times a year to clean silver and brass. Members serve about five times a year. There is always a need for new members to help with this most satisfying and rewarding work. For more information, or to volunteer, contact Robb Dorward
Floral Guild
The Floral Guild decorates the church with fresh flowers and potted plants for Christmas, Easter and other special occasions. It is a ministry of thanksgiving for the beauty of God's creation and of fellowship, with many hands working together to glorify God in our church. All women and men of Trinity are invited to bring new ideas and new talent, although flower arranging experience is not a requirement. Helping to decorate for festive occasions is a fun way to become acquainted with other parishioners.