2023 Nomination Form for Vestry and/or Diocesan Convention Deputy

It’s time to elect Vestry and Diocesan Convention candidates for 2024. We are electing 4 Vestry members, 3 for a 3-year term, and 1 for a 1-year term. We elect 4 convention delegates and 3 alternates. Please consider running yourself or encourage someone you think would be enthusiastic and a good fit for Trinity’s leadership.

Key dates for the 2023 Election:

  • October 19 – All Nominations Due

  • Nov 12 – Vestry Electing Speeches from all candidates

  • Nov 19 – Vestry Election

  • Dec 11 – Vestry Social ahead of first meeting as guest for new members

Nomination forms can be found below or at the Communication Station in the hallway.

Please email a photo of yourself to vestryelection@trinitychurchcovky.com. If you cannot attach/email an electronic photo, please provide a photo with your name on the back to the parish office.

This information must be returned to Trinity in paper form to the church office or by email to vestryelection@trinitychurchcovky.com by October 19, 2023.

Those eligible for election to the Vestry include:

  1. Any person who is a confirmed/received communicant in good standing aged sixteen (16) or older; and

  2. is a regular worshiper in the parish; and

  3. for the twelve months immediately preceding the election, has been a regular contributor (time and/or talent and/or treasure) to the support of the parish.

Those ineligible for election to the Vestry are clergy and their spouses, paid employees of the parish and their spouses, any family member of a current Vestry member who resides with the Vestry member.

Vestry members are expected to:

  1. Actively participate in worship and parish life.

  2. Serve a full three-year term, unless elected to serve a shorter term.

  3. Attend monthly Vestry meetings (2nd Monday of the month).

  4. Actively serve on at least one commission.

  5. Actively participate in various special projects.

  6. Attend the annual Vestry retreat.

Convention delegates are expected to:

  1. Thoughtfully read and consider all materials sent to them prior to Diocesan Convention.

  2. Participate in all aspects of the Diocesan Convention to be held in November 2024.

  3. Be aware of the congregation’s feelings on issues coming before the Convention, including various budget issues and candidates for elections to the various offices and boards.

  4. Participate in workshops/breakout sessions/commissions as appropriate.

Key dates for the 2023 Election:

  • October 19 - All Nominations Due.

  • November 12 - Vestry Electing Speeches from all candidates.

  • November 19 - Vestry Election.

  • December 11 - Vestry Social ahead of first meeting as guest for new members.


A Midday Musical Menu series: Oct. 18


Women's Poetry Circle: Oct. 30