2023 Trinity Supper Groups Sign-Up Closes Jan. 29!
Photo provided by Pexels.
The signup period for the 2023 edition of the Trinity Supper Groups has opened, from now through Sunday, January 29, 2023.
Supper Groups are an informal gathering of up to 4 couples (singles permitted), who will each host a meal one time throughout the year. Gatherings can be at your home, a restaurant, park, etc.
There is a signup sheet located on the communication stand in the church lobby. Please print legibly, your first and last names (if different), hosting address (city, state, zip code), email address for correspondence and cell phone number to receive text messages.
As an alternative option, you may email the above required information to davidandrobb@gmail.com by January 29, 2023.
Group assignments will be released by mid-February.
Questions may also be forwarded to the email address provided.
Looking forward to breaking bread together in 2023!
Robb & David