Books & Beliefs: Robert E. Lee and Me by Ty Seidule

Books and Beliefs will have another night meeting for those unavailable during the day. On Tuesday, February 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the parlor, Dr. John Deaver will lead a discussion of Robert E. Lee and Me by Ty Seidule. The author went to Robert E. Lee Elementary School in Alexandria, Virginia and later to Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia and shares his story of accepting what he was taught and then reevaluating it. Seidule also tells the story of the naming of many Army bases in the United States. Your discussion leader still owns a copy of the seventh grade Virginia history book which the author mentions and will bring it to the discussion.  Join us for a lively discussion!


The Electric Revival Is ON!


Next Vestry Meeting On Feb. 14!