Vestry Nominations Now Closed

Nomination for Vestry and/or Diocesan Convention Deputy

Vestry and Diocesan Convention Deputy Nominations are now closed.

Looking for a way to get involved? Are you willing to help Trinity or participate in the Diocese of Lexington? If so, now is the time. Nominations are being accepted for Trinity Vestry and Diocesan Convention Deputies. Please consider serving.

Nomination forms for the Vestry class and for the Diocesan Convention are on Trinity’s website at the top of this page and at the information center near the May Room.

Who is eligible?

· Anyone confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church who is aged 16 or older.

· A regular contributor of time, talent or financial treasure in support of the Parish for at least twelve months prior to the election.

· Not a family member of a current Vestry member or a paid member of Trinity’s staff.

What is expected of Vestry members?

· Actively participate in worship and parish life.

· Serve a full three-year term unless elected to serve a shorter term.

· Attend monthly Vestry meetings (second Monday of the month).

· Actively serve as a liaison to at least one commission.

· Actively participate in various special projects.

· Attend annual Vestry retreat.

· Complete online training on preventing sexual abuse.

What resources are available to new       Vestry members?

· Trinity’s bylaws, current budget, 2022 annual report, and past Vestry minutes are available on Trinity’s website under the header “About Us.”

· “Vestry Resource Guide,” a publication by the Episcopal Church Foundation, is given to all new members.

· New Vestry members will be invited to the December 2022 meeting as observers.

What is expected of Diocesan Convention deputies?

· Thoughtfully read and consider all materials sent to them prior to the Diocesan Convention.

· Participate in all aspects of the Diocesan Convention to be held November 2023.

· Be aware of the congregation’s feelings on issues coming before the Convention, including various budget issues and candidates for elections to the various offices and boards.

· Participate in workshops/breakout sessions/commissions as appropriate.

There are currently three Vestry positions open for the 2023 Vestry. All are open terms, each for three years. According to Vestry bylaws, terms will be filled by order of votes received with the three highest vote receivers serving the open terms. Four Diocesan Convention deputies and two alternates will also be elected. Expenses to  attend the convention will be paid by Trinity.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to talk with any member of the outgoing Vestry class (Jean Brann, Joe Creaghead or Betty Mitchell).

Nominations are due by Nov. 6, candidate introductory speeches are scheduled for Nov. 13, and the election will be held in a parish meeting on Nov. 20, 2022.

     Please prayerfully consider running for Vestry and/or deputy for Diocesan Convention.

Jean Brann, Joe Creaghead, Betty Mitchell



Episcopal Church Women’s Annual Meeting: Nov. 5


UTO Fall In-Gathering: Nov. 6