EYC News!

EYC baking 2019 2.jpg

Hot off the press! Here is the current edition of the EYC calendar. I will send weekly reminders and updates, but for planning purposes, please put these dates in your personal calendar.

Our theme for this year is "Being Relational: with God, each other, our community, and ourselves." I have intentionally scheduled monthly outreach opportunities, fun outings, and in-house meetings (and spiritual retreats through the Diocese) where we will look closer at how we are relational.

Coming up this Sunday, September 19: We will hear from Trinity Outreach Commission about their work feeding our neighbors in need through the Food Bag ministry. We will also be assembling food bags to help them replenish their supply.

For more information, please reach out at familyministries@trinitycovington.org


Holy Eucharist Live Stream on Sunday


This Past Weekend With EYC