Forward Together in Faith - 2025 Stewardship

Dear Trinity Episcopal Church,

I have learned many things in my first 5 months as the interim rector of Trinity Church. Most importantly, I have learned that Trinity is a wonderful and amazing congregation full of faith and hope and love. Signs of God's presence and grace are all around.  It is a long list of blessings that I could point to. Some, but not all, include: food bags distributed every morning to the needy, education programs for the Covington community, a vibrant music program, energetic and enthusiastic children and youth programs, pastoral care teams that take Eucharist to homebound members, and an inclusivity that is reflective of God's love for all people. Trinity is an outpost of the kingdom that Jesus proclaimed and I feel blessed to be part of it.

I have also learned that Trinity is a generous community. People share their time, talent, and treasure abundantly.  In that spirit of generosity, I am filling out a 2025 pledge card. It is one way that my family and I can support the whole Trinity family. I am hopeful that every household at Trinity will fill out a pledge card. The Lord has called us into community and our priority this year is participation. So please prayerfully consider filling out the enclosed pledge card and return it either by mail or placing it in the offering plate at worship.  

May God continue to bless us all as we move forward together in faith.

The Lord be with You,

The Reverend Jason E. Leo


Interim Rector Report: Nov. 1


Books and Beliefs: Dec. 4