Happening Youth Retreat: Mar. 14-16

All youth in grades 10-12 are invited to attend Happening #66 at the Cathedral Domain March 14-16. This retreat is led by youth, for youth. Many of Trinity's own youth will be serving as leaders and Fr. Jason Leo will serve as clergy for the weekend. 

Happening is a Christian experience presented by teenagers for teenagers.  Happenings is sponsored by the Episcopal Church, and is designed for all youth in grades 10-12. 

Most young people have serious questions about Jesus and the Church.  Happening is designed to address these questions.  During a Happening weekend, participants experience the love of Christ as shown through prayer, worship, and the ministry of fellow students, clergy, and lay adults.  The Happeners are encouraged to make their renewed faith a part of their everyday loves.  Happening shows how Christianity can keep pace with the many changes in our lives and our world.

What To Expect

During a Happening weekend, we worship, play, sing and talk about God’s place is our lives.  It is an informal time apart from the busy world to get in touch with our best selves in the light of Christ’s love.  We will make new friends, who share similar concerns and questions – a reassuring discovery. 

A young person who acts as “rector” leads the weekend with the help of a staff consisting mostly of young people.  Some of the staff members give challenging talks, after which there is time for discussion and activity.  Together, the staff and participants share in an exploration of the impact of Christian faith on our daily lives. 

Many former participants say that their Happening weekend was the best time of their lives.  Many have found it to be a turning point in their walk with Christ.  Careful planning, prayer, and preparation help make it so.

A Happening experience is just a beginning.  The idea is to get closer to God during the weekend and then to continue growing in the Christian way of life.  Happeners are encouraged to participate fully in the life of their local congregations.


Apply for Trinity’s Rector Search Committee: Feb. 28


Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper & Talent Show: Mar. 4