Calling all interested parishioners!

It’s that time of year again when we are asking for nominations for Vestry members and Diocesan Convention Delegates.  This year, there will be four Vestry members elected for full three-year terms, and four Convention Delegates (with two alternates) for the 2021 Diocesan Convention to be held in late fall of next year. 

To be eligible for election to Vestry or as Delegates and/or Alternates to the Diocesan Convention, a candidate must be sixteen years or older, confirmed or received in good standing as a regular member of the church, and not a family member of a current Vestry member or clergy member. Nominations may be submitted online below, or you may contact Nancy Grayson, Senior Warden. A printable nomination form can be found HERE. Nominations, including photos and bios, are due by November 1st.

Additionally, due to the pandemic, the Vestry will be voting to amend our by-laws to permit electronic absentee voting at the upcoming Vestry meeting on November 9th. Please contact Nancy Grayson should you have any questions or concerns related to this by-law amendment. Ballots will be distributed to all households via US mail, and will also be available electronically on our website and through the weekly e-newsletter. Qualified voters must be sixteen years or older and a regular worshiper in the parish.

Candidates will be able to present to the parish online on Sunday, November 15th; ballots must be received either electronically or via US mail no later than end of business on November 20th. Election results will be announced on Sunday, November 22nd.

Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to another strong slate of candidates!

Lisa Edwards, Nancy Grayson, Matt Swendiman, Paula Wolfe

Vestry Election Committee

Nomination for Vestry and / or Diocesan Convention Deputy

Please provide a photo of yourself. If you cannot attach/email an electronic photo, please provide a photo with your name on the back to the Parish office. Electronic photos can be sent to with the subject line: Vestry Nominee Photo.

This information must be returned to Trinity in paper form to the church office, or submitted electronically by November 1, 2020.


United Thank Offering


Sisters in Scripture Begins October 6