Lay Ministers Schedule Going Forward

In the last few months there has been a lot of confusion both on my end and I believe within the congregation regarding the Lay Ministers Schedule for Sunday Service, related to who is on the schedule serving what positions, and how I schedule everyone each month. As far as who is serving what position, after discussing with staff, I am now reaching out to all members of our congregation.

Beginning the week of January 11 and running through February 8, I will be posting a list of everyone in the congregation who volunteers for Sunday Service and what position they serve, on the bulletin board near the May Room, as well as on our website. You can look at the list and determine if there are any positions you would like to volunteer for, or any positions you would no longer like to serve. After February 8, I will put together the new list that we have and will have it posted on the bulletin board near the May Room for you to look at any time. The list will be posted on our website as well. I will check it every week, so that if you scratch your name off the list, I will make sure you are no longer in the system to volunteer. In addition, including the weekly email I send out to anyone volunteering for service that week, we will be posting the Sunday service schedule in the This Week At Trinity email blast. Hopefully, this will clear up any confusion for you and myself about what everyone is scheduled for, and I hope that it will encourage newcomers to take a larger role in service.

                When I request everyone’s Sunday service availability for the following month, I usually reach out twice, the first and second Tuesdays of the month. After 2 weeks, I have a chart with everyone’s names and all the dates and I scratch out any dates that anyone is unavailable. I have the service list for each position organized in alphabetical order, so I just go down the list for each Sunday and pick whoever is next. I try to rotate everyone through at least once a month for each position, but due to availability some people are scheduled multiple times and some may get one bite at the apple at best. I try to make sure that no one is scheduled 2 weeks in a row. Currently, I am in charge of scheduling Vergers, Lectors, Greeters, Intercessors, Oblation Bearers, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, and Healing Ministers. Dr. John Deaver schedules our Chimers, Mr. Brandon Gabbard schedules our Acolytes, Mr. Gary Gabbard schedules our Coffee Ministry, Mr. Robb Dorward schedules our Sacristans, Mrs. Susan Blom schedules our Eucharistic Visitors, and Mrs. Shannon Gemeinhardt schedules our Livestreamers. The person in charge of scheduling your particular position will be listed on the bulletin board and the website so that you know who to go to immediately if there is an issue.

                My goal with this is to make the scheduling process as easy as possible, and to make volunteering for Sunday service at Trinity as pleasurable as I can. Thank you for taking the time to read!

Andrew Dunn Parish Administrator/Communications Coordinator


TED: Mayor Joseph Meyer - City of Covington


ECW Annual Meeting