Maundy Thursday: Apr. 17
Enter the Triduum: Maundy Thursday
The Great Three Days of Holy Week begin on Maundy Thursday, drawing us into the mystery of Christโs love and sacrifice. Join us as we step into this sacred time together.
Thursday, April 17
๐ฝ 6:00 p.m. โ Simple Supper (May Room)
โ 7:00 p.m. โ Eucharist of the Last Supper & Foot Washing (Music by the Trinity Choir)
On this night, we remember Jesusโ Last Supper with his disciples and his commandment to love one another. Following his example, we will share in the tradition of foot washing, a powerful act of humility and service.
At the end of the service, as the Trinity Choir chants Psalm 22, the remaining bread and wine from Communion will be moved to the Altar of Repose. In silence and reverence, the sanctuary will be stripped bare, preparing our hearts for the journey to the cross.
All are welcome to this sacred evening of reflection and devotion.