Midday Musical Menu - Dr. John Deaver!

John Deaver will play his first in-person organ recital since May 2019 this Wednesday (January 19) at 12:15 p.m.  The recital will also be live streamed for those not able to attend in person and available afterwards. The program consists of settings of German Christmas chorales and begins with a set of variations on Vom Himmel hoch (Hymn 80) by the North German composer Heinrich Scheidemann (c. 1595-1663).  Several Christmas chorales from J. S. Bach’s Orgelbüchlein will follow.  The concluding piece is Bach’s Canonic Variations on the Christmas Chorale “Vom Himmel hoch.”  This was the third and final organ work Bach published in his lifetime.  While Bach’s technical compositional prowess delights the eye, the joy of the music delights the ear. 

Lunch is available from 11:30 a.m. for $7.00.  Masks are required except for eating.


TED: Tom DiBello - Executive Director, The Center for Great Neighborhoods


TED: Mayor Joseph Meyer - City of Covington