Oct. 19: Experiencing Benedictine Spirituality!


The Benedictine Spirituality Study Group is an open group of people who have decided to dive a bit deeper into their spiritual life. Often people are asked if they are religious or just spiritual. One can be both! St. Benedict’s Rule (created in the 6th Century) has lived on as a living, breathing document and a way of life that is not limited to life in a convent or monastery. It is way of life that allows for regular, everyday life to be lived in a spiritual and meaningful way.

The Benedictine Spirituality Study Group was started in 2002 as a 6-week course and developed into a regular monthly gathering for shared meals, fellowship and study of the Benedictine Way. Leadership is a shared responsibility and the books we study are chosen by consensus. We are not a closed group but find new people are more comfortable joining whenever we start a new book. But if you are not intimidated by an ongoing discussion, you are welcome to join in anytime.

We gather on the third Tuesday evening of the month at 6:30 pm. in the May Room. We begin with prayer, a great potluck and then our study time that closes with Compline and are finished by 9:00 p.m.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either Sr. Susan Moore (katzchen78@fuse.net) or Rita Schmitt (ritaschmitt04@gmail.com).


Oct. 17: Brass Rehearsal Returns!


Coffee Hour!