Celebrating Our Gifts To The Capital Campaign
We are several months into our capital campaign and are getting closer to reaching our goal with each pledge. We have over $550,000 of our $750,000 goal with nearly $200,000 in hand for projects that will start in 2024. Thank you to everyone who has made a pledge. Your generosity makes Trinity what it is. There are projects in flight for new tables, chairs, and a new projector in the May Room, improvements to the assisted listening devices in the sanctuary, and improved building access. We have a tentative schedule of priority projects through the rest of the year that includes:
HVAC upgrades to the May Room, Choir All Purpose Room, and Resource/Robing Room
Exterior painting and lead abatement
Attic sealing and insulation
Brick Repair and Tuck Pointing
Storm Windows
These initial projects will have an immediate positive impact on our community and worship spaces, reduce our energy usage and reduce our operating expenses as well, allowing more of our pledge and trust income to go towards outreach and ministry.
As we get close to our capital campaign financial goal, we have one final goal for the parish: we would like to achieve 100% participation in the campaign. If you haven't given yet, will you consider giving a gift to help us close the gap? Every gift makes a difference, no matter the size. Our parish is not just a collection of individuals but a vibrant community of faith, bound together by our shared love for God and commitment to serving others. Each pledge, is a powerful expression of our solidarity as a parish family. Together, we can accomplish great things and make a lasting impact on our community and beyond. If you have not yet pledged, please consider making one. The biggest difference is going from zero to one. Pledge cards are available in the church office.
To celebrate our success, we are inviting all parishioners to a Capital Campaign celebration on Friday, April 12 from 7:00‐10:00pm in the May Room. We will share heavy hors d'oeuvres, listen to live music, and raise our glasses to celebrate the future of Trinity! We hope you will join us! Be on the lookout for more information, and please save the date.