Interim Rector Report: Jan. 31

Dear Trinity Church,

Beginning Sunday, February 9, I will be leading a book discussion in the Multipurpose Room (second floor, elevator accessible) from 9:00–9:45 AM.

We will be reading Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Dr. Marcus Borg, one of my favorite theologians. This bestselling book has deeply influenced millions of Christians over the past few decades, and it has been an important part of my own faith journey. I hope you will consider joining the conversation!

📅 Dates: February 9 – March 23
📚 Books Available: A limited number of copies will be on hand, or you are welcome to purchase your own.
Rumor has it there will be donuts and coffee!

I look forward to seeing you there!

The Lord be with you,


T.E.D. (Trinity Enlightened Discussion) for this Sunday at 11:30am:

Coffee Hour


ECW Women's Listening Session: Feb. 11