Sabbatical 2021-22: Frequently Asked Questions


This brochure has been prepared by the vestry for the parishioners of Trinity Episcopal Church to share information about our Rector’s sabbatical experience in 2021-22 and what our role will be in his absence.

What is a sabbatical?

The word sabbatical has its roots in the Biblical concept of Sabbath (“to rest” or “to cease”). One of the Ten Commandments is “to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy,” a reminder from God that rest is essential to our lives and work.

Sabbatical leave is a time for our priest to shift gears in order to rest, disengage, study, reflect and travel in order to return to minister among us refreshed and renewed in body, mind and spirit. (It is not a time for routine work, mid-career assessment, job search, or terminal leave).

Sabbatical is more than a vacation from meetings, budgets, sermons, and people in need. It is a time for Peter to receive spiritual nourishment and a change in perspective, to deepen his relationship with God, himself, and his family – a season of spiritual growth. This special time will also be a season of growth for the entire parish.

Do other clergy go on sabbatical?

Yes, sabbatical is now standard in all Episcopal (and most other) churches. Most congregations report that their priest returns refreshed and revitalized, and that the parish moves on to new phases of ministry.

How long will Peter be gone?

Peter will be leaving on Monday, November 8th. Peter’s first Sunday back at Trinity will be Sunday, February 20th, 2022.

What will Peter be doing on his sabbatical?

The focus of Peter’s sabbatical is an exploration of civic ministry.  Peter will begin his renewal time studying at Partners for Sacred Places (Philadelphia) and Wesley Theological Seminary (Washington, D.C.) on the idea and practice of civic ministry.  He will then return home for Thanksgiving with Greg before they leave for vacation in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and a cruise in the Panama Canal. Peter will then spend three days studying at the Center for Religion and Civic Culture at the University of Southern California.  Finally, Peter and Greg will return to Puerto Vallarta and San Miguel for final renewal time, followed by a week of vacation back in Covington to readjust post-leave and prepare to return to Trinity.

Who will cover Peter’s responsibilities in his absence?

The Rev. Bruce Boss will serve as the clergy in charge of the church during Peter’s sabbatical. This position is covered by the grant funding received for Peter’s sabbatical. Additionally, the vestry and staff will be available for any needed support.

The vestry and committee chairs will be taking on a bit more responsibility in each of their areas to continue our ministries while Peter is away. As per church canons, our wardens Rebekah Gensler and Katie Davidson will be the key administrators and leaders in Peter’s absence.

Who will cover the expenses of the sabbatical?

Trinity received a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Program at Christian Theological Seminary. These funds cover Peter’s sabbatical activities, supply clergy costs, as well as congregational events relating to the sabbatical.

There will be no need to go into the general operating budget for any sabbatical expenses. It will not impact the church budget.

Who do I call for pastoral care, if I have a family or personal crisis?

During the sabbatical, you may contact either Father Bruce Boss or Susan Blom, our Lay Pastoral Associate. Either of them will be happy to help with pastoral crisis at any time. As always, you may call the church office for assistance.

Will the church just be in a “holding pattern” while Peter is away?

All of our ministries will continue to flourish while Peter is away, and perhaps new ones will be formed. Also, it is important to remember that the sabbatical is a two-way process: while Peter is on his journey of renewal, refreshment, and reflection, we will embark on a journey as well – to continue reflection on our ministry, to renew ourselves, and to discern God’s will for us.

What if I have a baptism or funeral I need to plan?

During the sabbatical, Father Boss will be happy to conduct any baptisms or funerals necessary.

Will Peter be in contact with Trinity during his sabbatical?

An important part of a sabbatical is to make a complete break from things. In the unlikely event that some extraordinary news absolutely must be communicated to Peter, the wardens will notify him.

 What if I bump into Peter around town?

If you happen to see Peter around town, it’s only natural to wave and say “hello”. Please do help him maintain the “silence and solitude” of his sabbatical, though, by providing separation with his pastoral care duties and parish life. In February, he will be eager to catch up on all your news!

How will we get “reacquainted” when Peter returns?

On Sunday, February 20th, we will welcome back Peter.  We will also have a special celebration of thanksgiving for all of those who played a special role in keeping Trinity moving forward during the sabbatical on Sunday, February 27th.

After his return, Peter and the vestry will plan some special time for the parish for mutual sharing of both Peter’s sabbatical experience and the parish’s experience.

Vestry Members

Rebekah Gensler, Senior Warden

Katie Davidson, Junior Warden

Dennis Blom

Jean Brann

Joe Creaghead

Brandon Gabbard

Betty Mitchell

Josh Mitchell

Gina Russ

Jim Swearingen

Jose Vazquez


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