Sisters in Scripture Book Club

Trinity will be offering a Scripture course just for women. Based off of the book of by Kathleen MacInnis Kichline, the course, called Sisters in Scripture looks at seven different pairings of women from the Old and New Testaments to explore their relationships to God and to one another. In considering their stories, participants are invited to explore their own relationship to God and to various others in their own lives. Each unit looks at a specific woman, provides background material, prayer, and reflection questions to help the reader understand and enter into the story and to explore her own life story. Participants are introduced to the concept of Midrash to encourage a creative response to the text. After reading, responding, and preparing at home, women come together for small group faith sharing, response and prayer.

The book is available on Amazon. For anyone who wants to join the course but lacks the means to buy the book, Trinity will buy the book for you.

The course will be divided in to two sections. The first will be the Old Testament women, and will last for 7 consecutive weeks. The second part is the New Testament women, which will be scheduled for a later time.

The course will begin the week of June 28, 2020, Details for day and time will be forthcoming. This of course will be on Zoom.

Susan L. Blom will facilitate the course. Please contact her with any questions.


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