Summer Choir Sunday: June 30

SUMMER CHOIR will be singing again this year on the last Sunday of the months of June, July, and August (June 30, July 28, and August 25)

The Summer Choir consists of those who come to a 9:30 a.m. rehearsal on the day we sing.  There is not an audition.  In some years it was called the Family Choir as all ages are welcome.  We learn a hymn from our hymnal or the green suppliment Wonder, Love, and Praise. 

The Choir sits in the congregation during the service and gathers by the organ during the Peace to sing during the Offertory.  Invite a friend to come with you to sing!

Bring a friend! For more information, contact Dr. John Deaver


Juneteenth Celebration: June 15


The Secret Garden VBS: July 21-25