Suspension of all gatherings at Trinity due to COVID-19
The global and local situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve rapidly. In response to Gov. Beshear and Bishop Van Koevering, there are a few important changes that Trinity is making to responsibly do our part to prevent the spread of the virus. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated:
After careful consultation with Bishop Mark Van Koevering, who has in turn been talking with Bishop White of the Diocese of Kentucky and Gov. Beshear, we will be suspending all gatherings at Trinity for the next two weeks. This includes all Sunday services, committee / commission meetings and parish life groups. The current plan is to resume regular meetings at the church on Friday, March 27, with Sunday services resuming on Sunday March 29th. You will still be able to call or email the office. You can read the Bishop’s full letter to the diocese here.
We are making arrangements to video stream Morning Prayer at 10 AM on Sunday. You will be able to participate via this page on the site: You will be able to participate from any PC, tablet or mobile device.
The diocesan youth retreat—Happening—has been postponed. Please look for more information from the diocese on when this event might be rescheduled.
The Capital Campaign Kickoff reception planned for Sunday March 22nd is cancelled. We will investigate other options to launch our campaign.
Trinity’s doors have been open for more than 175 years and they will be open again soon. In the mean time, let’s follow the Rt. Rev. Van Koevering’s advice to use this time as a Lenten fast from public worship, while making time and taking effort to focus on how we can serve Christ and stay connected in other ways.
Other resources
In addition, remember there are these existing resources:
Pastoral Care Hotline: 859-801-8551
Stephen Ministers: if you need a visit or call from a Stephen Minister, please contact the office.
Trinity Cares Online
Lay Eucharistic Visitors: if you need a visit from a Lay Eucharistic Visitor please contact the office.
Further updates
Please check back on the website regularly for updates and/or subscribe to updates in the footer / follow us on Facebook.