Trinity Communication Needs
Trinity Communications Commission need to fill the following new roles:
Photographer(s) - general duties include attending events based on request from communications commission or self service group, taking high quality photographs and posting to internal photo share for use in all communications activities (website, chimes, social, etc). Would need to provide their own camera / equipment.
Website Manager - general duties include regularly making sure the website is up to date, including removing out of date information and adding new information. Training will be provided on site management software.
Email / Announcements Editor - general duties include editing for style, clarity and length the items that come in through self service for placement in either the weekly email and/or the chimes. Training will be provided if requested.
Commission / Committee / Group liaison(s) - general duties include attending the meetings of the target groups (sources) for proactive communications and/or regularly meeting with the lead of those groups to develop a group specific communications plan and calendar.
If you, or someone you know, are interested, please contact Communications Chair, Chris Kelley.