Trinity Shirts for Sale
We have had several requests for more Trinity shirts and sweatshirts.
They are navy with green lettering. We have:
Hoodies ($32.00)
Crew Neck Sweatshirts ($23.50)
Long Sleeve Tees ($19.00)
Short Sleeve Tees ($14.50).
Sizes available are youth through adult xxxl. There is an $3.00 surcharge for double and triple x sizes.
All orders and payments are due to Betty Mitchell or Janet Robinson by Sunday August 6th. Payment can be made by cash, check or Venmo.
The prices are based on an order of at least 18 shirts. If more than 18 are ordered there will be a slightly lower cost per shirt.
There is an order sheet on the message counter in the hallway or you can contact one of us directly. All prices are actual cost plus tax. This is not a fundraiser.