Confirmation Class: Apr. 30 - May 14

We are very excited for our confirmation program starting soon! For years at Trinity, confirmation occurred in late high school as a form of graduation. However, the weakness of this approach was that it possibly communicated that the confirmands were now graduated from the church. Instead we want to communicate to our students that confirmation is the beginning of their ownership of their faith and participation in our church life. 

So we are pleased to announce that starting this year, 7th grade will be the confirmation year! This will produce a natural bridge from our middle school class into involvement with EYC. With that said, I am aware that we have many students who haven't been confirmed. So this year, we would live to invite all 7th-12th graders to engage in confirmation!

The process to be confirmed is as followed:

  • Classes - 4 classes after Sunday liturgy (April 30 & May 7)

  • Mentors - Meet 4 times with a mentor

  • Worship - Attend Sunday liturgies

  • Involvement - Participate in TKG and/or EYC

Confirmation Day will be Sunday, May 14. Please enroll your student ASAP through the Registration Form at

For more information, contact Brandon Long at


United Thank Offering Sunday: May 7


Parent Coffeehouse: Apr. 30 - May 14