UTO Ingathering
On Sunday, May 16, Trinity will celebrate the Spring United Thank Offering Ingathering.
You can bring your donation to Trinity in the provided envelope, mail it to the church office or donate online. The online donation page will go live on May 16, 2021 and a link will be provided.
Each Spring and Fall Episcopal Church Women (ECW) sponsors a United Thank Offering (UTO). These special gifts help reduce massive human needs not only in our local and state regions but worldwide. In past years UTO in the diocese of Lexington alone has assisted in opening medical clinics, food pantries, reading camps and programs for children of prisoners. We continue active engagements in programs to increase opportunities for homeless women and their children.
The focus of grants awarded in 2021 will be supporting congregational and diocesan efforts to meet the needs of individuals and communities that are coping with the results of the COVID-19 pandemic.