Vestry and Diocesan Convention Election: Nov. 19 - Absentee Ballot
All absentee ballots are due on Friday, November 17 by 5:00 p.m.
It’s time to elect Vestry and Diocesan Convention candidates for 2024. We are electing 4 Vestry members, 3 for a 3-year term, and 1 for a 1-year term. We elect 4 convention delegates and 3 alternates.
Key dates for the 2023 Election:
November 19 – Vestry Election
December 11 – Vestry Social ahead of first meeting as guest for new members.
From the Vestry Bylaws:
Section 2: Eligibility to Vote
Qualified voters at the meetings of the Parish shall be:
a) all those communicants who are confirmed, or have been received, in good standing of the age of sixteen years or older, and
b) any other baptized persons of such age who are regular worshipers in the parish and who for twelve months immediately preceding the meeting have been regular contributors of time, talent or financial contribution to the support of the parish.
Todd Garland
This is a rare and special community of which I am proud and grateful to be a member. My life’s spiritual journey began in the Episcopal Church when I was a young child. In my 20s, I married, became Roman Catholic, and eventually was ordained to the Diaconate. A series of fairly tragic events brought me back home to the Episcopal church, where I have found peace at worship with my parish family. Being a member of the one of the finest church choirs I’ve ever heard has been a dream come true.
Josh Mitchell
I am very excited for the future as we go through the upcoming transition, but I know it will take a lot of work with a lot of moving pieces. I am interested in serving on Vestry because I believe I have a skill set that can help. While Vestry’s top priori- ty next year will be to focus on future staffing, I believe the following is also high priority:
Executing a solid plan for growth via a robust evangelism program.
Having rigorous control over the budget.
Building excitement and over-communicating where people can give their time and talent to ensure Trinity offers the spiritual growth & formation expected by both current parishioners and newcomers.
I believe these priorities necessitate Vestry members have 1) deep knowledge of church operations, 2) demonstrated financial skills and 3) experience in strategy development and implementation. Since joining this parish I’ve spent 6 years on Vestry, 4 years as Treasurer and 5 years as Finance Commission Chair. During this time I helped develop a new growth strategy, delivered a balanced budget through Covid, modernized our financial systems, and developed a new long term financial strategy to ensure operations are resilient to macro-economic downturns in the future. I know this outline is brief, but I believe I have skills that will benefit the Church, and humbly ask that you consider a vote for me.
Jay Piper
I was raised in the Episcopal Church. My father was an usher and a member of the vestry at St. James Church. I was in the junior choir and was an acolyte during my high school and college years.
I was rush chairman, social chairman and Vice President of my Fraternity at the University of Cincinnati. I was President of the Alumni Association and a member of house core. I took
over the family business, Bernard Laboratories in 1980. I recently retired but remain as a consultant.
I have always been a person who has volunteered my time to worthy causes. I believe my personal life experiences would be an asset to the vestry.
Janet Robinson
I am interested in running for Vestry as this is going to be an exciting time for Trinity with our Capital Campaign kickoff and the search for a new Rector and I feel that I can bring some new ideas and organizational skills to use in serving on the Vestry. I have been at Trinity almost 13 years and enjoy being involved and helping to serve our church community and the community beyond the Red Door.
Jack Cox
As Christians, we are called to always respect the dignity of every human being. If elected, this will continue to be my primary focus, especially regarding people of marginalized communities. And smashing the patriarchy.
Todd Garland
I was elected as an alternate delegate and attended the 2023 Diocesan Convention at Cathedral Domain. Since my teen years, active in diocesan youth activities I have realized that the parishes in a diocese are as the parishioners in a parish. We have varying talents as well as needs, but all of us together form a community in Christ. It is my honor always to be a part of this community. I would be honored to serve again as delegate to diocesan convention. Thank you.
Emery Schmidt
Trinity is an important part of my life and representing our community at the convention is valuable for myself and our congregation.