Vestry Minutes - March 2022/May 2022

Trinity Episcopal Church

Vestry Minutes

March 14, 2022

Vestry Members Present:

Jean Brann, Joe Creaghead, Katie Davidson, Brandon Gabbard, Rebecca Gensler, Elise Hyder, Chris Kelley, Betty Mitchell, Matt Swendiman

Vestry Members Absent:


Clergy Present:

Rev. Peter D’Angio

Clergy Absent:




Opening Prayer:

Rev. Peter D’Angio

Call to Order:

Rev. Peter D’Angio

Sharing by Vestry Members

Culture of Courtesy Covenant:

Culture of Courtesy Covenant agreed to as a group.

Adoption of Consent Agenda:

  • Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio)

  • January Outreach Report (Betty Mitchell)

  • February Outreach Report (Betty Mitchell)

  • Moved: Brandon Gabbard

  • Motion carried

Adoption of February 14, 2022 Minutes:

  • Moved: Rebecca Gensler

  • Discussion

o   2 spelling corrections

  • Motion carried

Hearing from Parish:

  • A letter from Hilda Weaver was presented to the vestry. Topics:

o   Importance of an assistant rector – Rebecca Gensler will respond with details of Vestry’s high priority for getting an assistant as soon as possible and securing funds to do so.

o   Trip hazard with uneven tiles outside of parlor – Brandon Gabbard will investigate possible solutions.

New Business:

  • Capital Campaign renewal (Rebecca Gensler)


o   Possible structure:          

§  Phase 1 - $750,000 which will include $500,000 raised by Trinity to secure a possible $250,000 as a matching grant from Partners for Sacred Spaces.

§  Phase 2 – undecided.

o   Katie Davidson, Jean Brann, and Chris Kelly will act as a transitional committee to organize and reboot an official capital campaign committee.

o   Rebecca Gensler will forward the grand application letter of intent to the Vestry.

  • Google Drive (Brandon Gabbard)

o   Brandon Gabbard did a refresher presentation on the Trinity Episcopal Church Vestry Google drive folder.

  • Physical Resources (Brandon Gabbard)

o   Roof repair update.

o   Baptistery cross topper damaged in 2020 windstorm will be installed soon.

o   Courtyard fountain to be opened by March 15, 2022.

Old Business:

  • Book of Remembrance ad hoc committee (Rebecca Gensler)

o   No action yet.

o   Vestry members will be Matt Swendiman and Rebecca Gensler.

o   Two at large members still needed.

o   Jean Brann and Chris Kelly will ask Peggy Johnson to consider two trustee members at next meeting.

  • April vestry meeting (Rev. Peter D’Angio)

o   Due to Holy Week Rev. Peter D’Angio suggested moving the April Vestry meeting date.

o   New date is April 18, 2022.

Commission Reports:

  • Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio) – consent agenda

  • Outreach (Betty Mitchell) – consent agenda

  • Family Ministry – (Elise Hyder) – no report

  • Nurture and Parish Growth (Katie Davidson) – no report

  • Financial Resources (Matt Swendiman) – update was emailed

  • Physical Resources (Joe Creaghead) – new business

  • Communications (Chris Kelley) – no report

  • Senior Warden (Rebecca Gensler) – no report

  • Junior Warden (Katie Davidson) – no report

  • ECW (Katie Davidson) - no report

  • Evangelism – no report


  • Moved: Jean Brann

  • Motion carried

Next Meeting:

  • April 18, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.

May 5, 2022

Vestry Members Present:

Jean Brann, Joe Creaghead, Brandon Gabbard, Rebecca Gensler, Elise Hyder, Chris Kelley, Betty Mitchell, Matt Swendiman

Vestry Members Absent:

Katie Davidson

Clergy Present:

Rev. Peter D’Angio


Janet Robinson

Opening Prayer:

Rev. Peter D’Angio

Call to Order:

Rev. Peter D’Angio

Sharing by Vestry Members:

Culture of Courtesy Covenant:

Culture of Courtesy Covenant agreed upon as a group.

Adoption of Consent Agenda:

  • Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio)

  • Outreach Budget (Betty Mitchell)

  • Family Ministry – (Elise Hyder)

  • Moved: Matt Swendiman

  • Motion carried

Adoption of March Minutes:

Postponed until June meeting

Hearing from Parish:

  • Letter from Gina Russ regarding the need for an assistant rector.

  • Discussion:

New Business:

  • Kitchen Management Procedures (Janet Robinson)

o   Three certified kitchen supervisors currently. Three more in the works.

o   Proposed kitchen use guidelines distributed for consideration.

o   Discussion:

o   Edits based on discussion will be made and another draft will be presented at a future meeting.

  • Missioner Funding Proposal (Rev. Peter D’Angio)

o   Meg Koehl gave a presentation on first months as Community Evangelist.

o   Video update from Mick Rineer on first months as Community Chaplain.

o   Brandon Long gave a presentation on his first months as Digital Evangelist.

o   Funding options for second half of 2022 and first half of 2023 presented.

o   Options for funding in 2022 to be presented at next vestry meeting along with options for concrete plans for an associate rector in 2023.

o   Discussion:

  • Internal vs. External Communication (Jean Brann)

o   Is there a need for a social networking/communication policy to determine what is shared internally vs. externally.

o   Discussion:

o   Communication commission will discuss and report back to vestry.

  • Communications (Chris Kelley)

o   Janet Robinson was selected as chairperson.

o   Communications report was submitted.

Old Business:

  • Book of Remembrance Ad Hoc Committee (Rebecca Gensler)

o   Gay Smith and Nancy Grayson will represent the parish at large.

o   Peggy Johnson and John Lucas will represent the trustees.

o   Matt Swendiman and Rebecca Gensler will represent the vestry.

o   First meeting to take place soon.

o   Discussion:

  • Capital Campaign (Chris Kelley)

o   Transition committee working on recruiting a permanent chairperson.

o   Discussion:

  • Finance (Rebecca Gensler)

o   Book of Remembrance and Finance Commission working on streamlining cash transfer procedures.

o   Fund balance report requested for next vestry meeting.

o   Information on any recent bequests requested for next vestry meeting.

o   Discussion:

  • Human Resources (Rebecca Gensler)

o   Andrew Dunn will take on an extra eight hours per week to assist with Gary Gabbard’s transition to retirement.

o   Discussion:

Commission Reports:

  • Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio) – consent agenda

  • Outreach (Betty Mitchell) – consent agenda

  • Family Ministry – (Elise Hyder) – no report

  • Nurture and Parish Growth (Katie Davidson) – no report

  • Financial Resources (Matt Swendiman) – old business

  • Physical Resources (Joe Creaghead) – no report

  • Communications (Chris Kelley) – new business

  • Senior Warden (Rebecca Gensler) – no report

  • Junior Warden (Katie Davidson) – no report

  • ECW (Katie Davidson) - no report

  • Evangelism – no report

Closing Prayer:

  • Rev. Peter D’Angio


  • Moved: Betty Mitchell

  • Motion carried

Next Meeting:

  • June 12, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Brandon Gabbard

Clerk of the Vestry


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