Parent Cafe

Parenting is a joy, a blessing and, some days, the most difficult task one can ever be asked to do. Add in the uncertainty of a global pandemic, the revolving door of in person vs. remote learning, and the general stress of life, and that task can feel overwhelming. In all of the many hours of caring for others, there is often little time for self-care for the caregiver.

Trinity Episcopal Church, in conjunction with Strengthening Families of Northern Kentucky, is offering a time for parents to connect with one another through a virtual parent cafe.  Parent cafes are small group sessions where parents can share their experiences, connect with others, and, in turn, find new energy to face the day-to-day challenges of parenting.

Ideally, parent cafes are held in person with opportunities for face-to-face sharing.  In a socially distant world, cafes can be held virtually--no need for a sitter, or having to head out on a cold February day.  Simply sign on for a virtual session on the day that works for you: 

Tuesday, February 23 from 3:00pm-4:30pm, or Thursday, February 25 from 6:00pm-7:30pm.  Contact Shari Burrows at  (513-266-3348) to receive the Zoom link for the session you choose to “fill your cup”! 


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