Outreach Commission
All parishioners are welcome to participate in Outreach meetings and activities and we will continue to publicize meetings and volunteer opportunities through the regular church wide communications, including this web page and through the Commission meeting minutes.
Outreach Commission
As a commission of the Vestry of Trinity Covington Episcopal Church, we are charged with the task of creating opportunities to live out our Baptismal Covenant by sharing our time, talents and treasure within the local parish and the global community. Using our abundant blessings to serve others, and to minister to all who are in need, is a deeply held value at Trinity. We seek out opportunities to serve and to help, primarily in the areas of food, shelter and education. We hold a shared desire to serve the needs at our doorstep and to have a felt impact in the city of Covington. We seek collaboration with other churches so that we may further the reach of the resources with which God has blessed us that we may work toward the greater good in our community and the world around us.
Commission Meetings
The Outreach Commission meets on a monthly basis, on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the classroom at the top of the stairs at Trinity. Occasionally we have to reschedule due to conflicts and will communicate that by email but we try to hold this regular meeting time. Typically an agenda is published ahead of the meeting, with input from the Commission members, and meeting minutes are publicized after each meeting. Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
Outreach Distribution Requests
Trinity Parishioners have always been passionate about many of the organizations supported by the Outreach Commission. Occasionally, parishioners will make financial requests of the Commission for organizations or other non-traditionally supported groups. We encourage Parish advocates wanting to make a financial request of the Outreach Commission to complete a Distribution Request Form, or have it completed by the group itself and submit it to a Commission member for review at the next monthly meeting. The information requested on the form will help provide insight to the group or organization and allow the Commission the ability to make a responsible and educated decision on the request. Advocates will be notified by the Commission chair of a decision within one week following the meeting in which the request was presented. Click the link below to print a copy of the Distribution Request.
Next Commission meeting:
Tuesday, June 28 at 7:00PM. Due to the current restrictions on in-person meetings, this will be a teleconference. More details will be provided once they are finalized.