Trinity Episcopal Church Vestry Meeting Minutes - September 14, 2020
Trinity Episcopal Church
Vestry Minutes
Meeting via ZOOM video conferencing
September 14, 2020
Vestry Members present: Nancy Grayson, Dennis Blom, Jean Brann, Joe Creaghead, Lisa Edwards, Betty Mitchell, Josh Mitchell, Gina Russ, Matt Swendiman, Paula Wolfe, Jim Swearingen, Steve Van Allen
Vestry Members absent:
Clergy present: Peter D’Angio
Call to Order: Peter D’Angio
Sharing by Vestry members
Hearing from the Parish
Esther Parton met with Peter D’Angio and Paula Wolfe, in a separate meeting, to respond to the listening questionnaires sent out a few months ago. Groups within the parish miss the face-to-face contact of their members. The groups are encouraged to meet via zoom.
Adoption of Consent Agenda:
Family Ministry Report, Sept 2020
Financial Fact Sheet 9/2/2020
Income and Expense Statement Jan 2020 – July 2020
Physical Resources Project List
Revised Stewardship Plan
Bishops Coordination Call, August 10, 2020
Moved: Nancy Grayson, Josh Mitchell (2nd); Motion carried
Adoption of August 2020 Minutes:
Moved: Dennis Blom, Nancy Grayson (2nd); Motion carried
Moved with minor corrections to the financial portion of the Minutes
Old Business:
Financial update
Not changing outlook, but continuing to look at expenses
Most commissions spending below their budget, looking at committee forecasting
Income – 57% of the budget; pledges – 62% of the budget
Still monitoring members in their pledging
Discussion and documents
Moved: none
This was not a motion to approve, just a discussion
Stewardship Plan Episcopal Network for Stewardship “Faith Filled Generosity”
Discussed the chronology of the upcoming Stewardship campaign using the Episcopal Network’s for Stewardship plan
Every week starting at the end of September stewardship will take place. There will be a sermon, videos, etc.
Pledge cards will be mailed out. Vestry members will write thank you notes to pledgers
At the end of Stewardship, a “narrative” budget will be introduced. Josh Mitchell will develop a pie chart
Discussion and documents
Moved: none
This was not a motion to approve, just a discussion
There was an ongoing discussion about worship, specifically concerning “inside” services. How do we accommodate people in the church and how many people can attend? Will people come to an “inside” service? What happens during Advent and Christmas, what will that look like? Will people return if the church doesn’t open for several more months? Peter said some of these questions could only be answered by the Bishop
Some vestry members wanted to find out if maybe other churches in northern Kentucky were already having services
Asymptomatic people may increase the risk for worshipping in the church
Vestry suggested having conversations with other non-vestry members who have strong views on both sides of the issue: worship inside or not having worship at all
Moved: none
This was not a motion to approve, just a discussion
Navigating Political Topics Update
Peter talked with Andi Tillman and she had some suggestions
Someone from Christ Church is willing to serve as a resource to build on discussions of equity, racial reconciliation, etc.
There is a need to have a balanced approach to such issues as “black lives matter” with parishioners. This should include a structure to make sure everyone is heard and respected
Moved: none
This was not a motion to approve, just a discussion
New Business:
Looking Ahead
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN – the actual kickoff date may change due to COVID
HISTORICAL MARKER – A historical marker for Eugenia Farmer, a suffragist and member of Trinity in the late 19th century, will be installed on Trinity grounds sometime in October. Jim Swearingen discussed the marker design and placement. Trinity’s own historical marker may be moved next to this new marker
ASSOCIATE RECTOR – If the congregation of Trinity is smaller after COVID ends, there may not be a need for an Associate Rector
SABBATICAL – the sabbatical was rescheduled for October 2021. This is still the plan to move forward with this date
Moved: no
This was not a motion to approve, just a discussion
Recruitment of New Vestry Members
The outgoing vestry members will recruit for the year 2021. One person has already shown an interest in running for one of the four vacancies. It was suggested that people who plan to run for a vacancy, submit a video for the upcoming live streaming worship services
There will be a “remote” annual meeting to follow
Discussion: no
Moved: no
This was not a motion to approve, just a discussion
Commission Reports:
Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio) – weekly updates
Outreach (Betty Mitchell) – no report
Family Ministry (Shannon Gemeinhardt / Nancy Grayson) – consent agenda
Nurture and Parish Growth (Lisa Edwards) – no report
Financial Resources (Matt Swendiman / Josh Mitchell) – consent agenda
Physical Resources (Joe Creaghead) – consent agenda
Communications (Dennis Blom) – no report
Senior Warden (Nancy Grayson) – no report
Junior Warden (Paula Wolfe) – no report
Prayer: Peter D’Angio
Moved: Joe Creaghead (2nd); Motion carried
Next Meeting:
Meeting, October 21, 2020, at 6:30 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Gina Russ
Clerk, Vestry