Volunteers Called Back into Action
New volunteers encouraged!
With the addition of in person church services which resumed in May, we are now scheduling lay ministers. As of June 1, all services will be fully staffed. The schedule will be created before May 20 and posted in the June Chimes. Some important things to know:
The volunteer list was last updated at the Red Door Rally in August of 2019. This is nearly two years ago. If you are listed as a volunteer for a specific duty, you will be in the rotation and will be scheduled. Please notify Lauren Adams in writing if you need to be removed from a list.
If you see that you are scheduled but are unable to serve, please notify the office as soon as possible so that Lauren can find a substitute. During the transition this will make it easier on you with the unknown of who may or may not be able to attend in person.
With some Covid restrictions in place there may be a few changes to the job you are scheduled for. Please check in with the verger when you arrive on Sunday.
A reminder e-mail will be sent the week of the service. This email will contain the verger’s name so that you know who to look for.
Acolytes are scheduled by Brandon Gabbard, Gary Gabbard and Greg Gemeinhardt. During the transition please contact them via email if you are unable to serve.
Sacristans are scheduled by Robb Dorward. He has completed the schedule through August and has shared it with the group. They will still be listed in The Chimes.
Eucharistic Ministers will be scheduled beginning on June 13.
Lastly, we have some new members and some that now may wish to volunteer for a specific duty. Please notify Lauren as soon as possible if you would like to be added to a group. We are mostly in need of Ushers and Greeters If you would like more information on these jobs please contact Lauren Adams.
Thank you for all that you do for Trinity. It is wonderful to be back in person and we are so very grateful for your willingness to serve.