All Saints’ Evensong: Nov. 3

Please join us for Evensong on All Saints’ Sunday, November 3 at 5:00 p.m.

            The Trinity Choir will be joined by the choir of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Lexington, Dr. Mattilda Middleton, Director, in music for All Saints.  The canticles will be the King’s College Service by Joanna Forbes L’Estrange (b. 1971).  The anthem, “I Heard a Voice from Heaven” and the setting of Psalm 150 are by Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924).  The Orison is Lead, Kindly Light by Howard Helvey (b. 1968).  

Join us as we celebrate the lives of those who have gone before us.  A reception follows this meditative service.  Join us as we welcome our fellow Episcopalians from Lexington!


Vestry and Diocesan Convention Nominees


New Acolyte Training: Nov. 10 & 24