A Midday Musical Menu series: Nov. 15

The November luncheon concert this Wednesday (November 15) features pianists Rebekah Gensler and John Deaver performing a work last heard in 1992 and commissioned for Trinity’s 150th anniversary.  Mosaic Portrait No. 5: A Book of Hours to the Blessed Trinity by Wilmer Hayden Welsh (1932-2008) programmatically goes through a day in the life of a monk or nun emphasizing both prayer and work.  The piece uses chants for Trinity Sunday from the Liber Usualis. The narration before each movement is translated from and based on Medieval Books of Hours and will be read by the Rev. Peter D. D’Angio.

Composer Wilmer Hayden Welsh was Professor of Music at Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina for 28 years.  Welsh’s connection to Trinity goes beyond being the subject of John Deaver’s DMA thesis.  Welsh’s grand uncle was Albert Bollinger, organist-choirmaster of Trinity Church from 1890 to 1947!

Lunch is available from 11:30 a.m. in the May Room for $7.00.  The concert begins at 12:15 p.m. in the church and is free.


Books & Beliefs: Nov. 29


Vestry and Diocesan Convention Nominees