Interim Rector Report: Dec. 27

Dear Trinity Church,

I want to thank everyone for a wonderful Christmas celebration at Trinity! From the joy-filled services to the warm fellowship shared, this week has truly been a testament to the love and light of Christ among us.

We are now in the midst of the 12 Days of Christmas, celebrating the incarnation of Jesus. This Sunday, we will continue the celebration with a special Lessons and Carols service. You won’t want to miss this beautiful opportunity to reflect on the story of Christ’s birth through scripture and song.

Looking ahead, we will soon enter the season of Epiphany, a key time in our liturgical year. Epiphany focuses on the manifestation, teachings, and ministry of Christ, who came for all people—NO EXCEPTIONS. Preparations are already underway for this season, including our beloved Epiphany Pageant and Epiphany Party. Roles and costumes will be assigned this Sunday, so if your child or student would like to participate or help in any way, please sign up!

May these days of Christmas bring peace, joy, and the wonder of God’s love into your hearts and homes.

The Lord be with you,


T.E.D. (Trinity Enlightened Discussion) for this Sunday at 11:30am:

Epiphany Pageant Roles and Costume Sign-Ups


2025 Offering Envelopes Now Available


Interim Rector Report: Dec. 20