Interim Rector Report: Mar. 7
Dear Trinity Church,
A big thank you to everyone who made the Shrove Tuesday Talent Show & Pancake Supper such a joyful and memorable event! From organizers and cooks to entertainers, acrobats, and our enthusiastic audience—it was a true celebration of community and tradition.
Don't forget! This is your final reminder to CHANGE your clocks on Saturday night and to bring your CHANGE to Trinity as we continue to be the CHURCH, be the CHANGE. Let’s come together for a generous contribution to the St. Paul’s Food Pantry in Newport.
Also, stay after worship on Sunday for Soup Sunday! While the soup is warming up, lend a hand hauling up priceless treasures from the Trinity basement for the Rummage Sale. The ECW is one of the most active and faithful groups in our church, blessing our congregation in so many ways.
The Spirit is alive and moving at Trinity. I am grateful every day to walk this journey with you… tired—often tired—sometimes flat-out exhausted—but always, always thankful.
The Lord be with you,
T.E.D. (Trinity Enlightened Discussion) for this Sunday at 11:30am: