Vestry Minutes: May 2023

Trinity Episcopal Church

Vestry Minutes

May 8, 2023

Vestry Members Present:

● Katie Davidson, Brandon Gabbard, Rebekah Gensler, Elise Hyder, Emily Juengel, Chris Kelley, Susan Moore, Matt Swendiman, Hilda Weaver

Vestry Members Absent:

● None

Clergy Present:

● Rev. Peter D’Angio


● Josh Mitchell

Opening Prayer:

● Rev. Peter D’Angio

Call to Order:

● Rev. Peter D’Angio

Sharing by Vestry Members:

Mission Moments:

  • Flying Pig Water Stop

  • Youth Sunday

  • Community Market

Culture of Courtesy Covenant:

● Skipped

Agenda Check In:

Adoption of Consent Agenda:

● Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio)

● Outreach report and budget update (Emily Juengel)

● Communications (Chris Kelley)

● Director of Music report (Dr. Deaver)

● Moved: Brandon Gabbard

● Motion carried

Adoption of April 2023 Minutes:

● Moved: Brandon Gabbard

● Motion carried

Hearing from Parish:

  • None

New Business:

  • Finance (Rebekah Gensler)

o Fund report submitted.

o Discussion:

o Motion by Chris Kelley. “Move to adjust the EYC Fund (#34) from $8904 to $3564.45 to reflect an accounting adjustment”.

o Discussion:

o Motion carried.

Capital Campaign (Rebekah Gensler)

o Asker training will take place on May 31, 2023.

o Deliverable materials and promotional materials have been sent to printer.

Outreach request to change designation from committee to commission (Emily Juengel)

o Discussion:

o Motion by Rev. Peter D’Angio, “Move to accept Outreach’s request to become a commission and begin process to change the bylaws”.

o Motion carries.

o Action: Emily Juengel will submit proposed language for bylaw revision for June meeting.

Ongoing Business:

Personnel (Rev. Peter D’Angio)

o Motion by Rev. Peter D’Angio, (Move to enter into executive session”.

o Motion carried.

o Motion by Chris Kelley, “Move out of executive session”.

o Motion carried.

Nurture (Katie Davidson)

o Update on event calendar functionality.

o Working on new member engagement.

o 8 adults and 4 youth confirmations to take place.

o Action: Susan Moore will purchase a get-well card for Rev. Nicolette and make it available for the parish to sign.

Agenda Review:

  • Parking Lot:

  • Committee and Commission functioning (Nurture, Outreach, Communications, Stewardship)

  • Changes to bylaws

    Commission Reports:

● Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio) – consent agenda

● Outreach (Emily Juengel) – consent agenda

● Formation – (Elise Hyder) – no report

● Nurture and Parish Growth (Katie Davidson) – ongoing business

● Financial Resources (Rebekah Gensler, Susan Moore) – new business

● Physical Resources (Brandon Gabbard) – no report

● Communications (Chris Kelley) – consent agenda

● Human Resources (Matt Swendiman) – ongoing business

● Senior Warden (Susan Moore) – no report

● Junior Warden (Elise Hyder) – no report

● ECW (Katie Davidson) - no report

● Evangelism – no report

Agenda Check In:

Action Review:


● Rev. Peter D’Angio


● Moved: Susan Moore

● Motion carried

Next Meeting:

● June 12, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Brandon Gabbard

Clerk of the Vestry


Books & Beliefs: Sep. 27


Salad Sunday - Aug. 13