Voting For Vestry & Diocesan Convention: Absentee Ballot - Due Nov. 18
All absentee ballots are due on Friday, November 18 by 5:00 p.m.
Below are the 2022 nominees for Vestry and Diocesan Convention. If you are filling out an online absentee ballot, please fill out your name, email address, choose up to 3 Vestry Nominees, choose up to 4 Diocesan Convention Delegates, and then hit the Submit button. If you are interested in filling out a paper absentee ballot. Vestry Nominee Talks will take place at 11:20 a.m. this Sunday, November 13, in the May Room. If you cannot attend the Talks in-person, we will be filming them to post on all of our platforms for your viewing.
Thank you so much for taking part in this year’s Vestry and Diocesan Convention election.
From the Vestry Bylaws:
Section 2: Eligibility to Vote
Qualified voters at the meetings of the Parish shall be:
a) all those communicants who are confirmed, or have been received, in good standing of the age of sixteen years or older, and
b) any other baptized persons of such age who are regular worshipers in the parish and who for twelve months immediately preceding the meeting have been regular contributors of time, talent or financial contribution to the support of the parish.
Vestry Nominees
Ms. Emily Baglien Juengel
Qualifications: Baptized, confirmed and married at Trinity. Have worked at the Rummage Sale, Garden Mart, as a Sunday School teacher, Garden Gang and as an Acolyte. I have 35+ years at Trinity.
Why now? I’ve recently become a mom and our son is going to grow up at Trinity. I want to do all that I can to nurture his experience here so that it can be as wonderful as mine was growing up.
Mr. Josh Mitchell
The next three to five years will be critical for Trinity. While we have an agreed long term financial strategy, we have not established the executional elements that define how we get from where we are today to that financially sustainable future.
As part of the more holistic vision, we must develop plans to 1) fund the building repairs that have been recently outlined by Buildings and Grounds, 2) wade through significant staffing changes that are in front of us, and 3) harness the growth of Covington via new evangelism programs…. all within the context of our Financial Strategy.
I believe that my experience at Trinity (two previous Vestry terms, 5+ years as Financial Commission Chair, 4+ years as Treasurer), combined with 20+ years of work experience in strategy development/deployment at P&G make me uniquely suited to serve during this important time.
Sister Susan Moore
After much prayer and consideration, I have decided it is time to help with the Vestry. I feel my 21 years as a member of Trinity gives me a fairly decent background in the parish, but there is always more to learn and understand. As a Lutheran, I served on our Council when we were in the midst of closing our downtown church and have dealt with the difficulties of such a transition. Listening, understanding and acceptance were part of this lesson. I am currently involved in other aspects of service--Healing Ministers, Eucharistic Visitor, Diocesan ECW Board member, facilitator for the ECW Women's Weekend at the Domain, visitor to The Victorian at Riverside providing prayer and support to the women there, along with other various activities at Trinity. I believe I can be part of the team and hope there are things I can contribute.
Ms. Hilda Weaver
Having lived so long in so many different states, I have also been involved in different vestries and diocesan conventions. I think perhaps my experience and my age might be helpful at Trinity.
The Church (big C) and the church ( little c) are important to me. Serving Christ in this place would be an honor, particularly as Trinity learns to live into the reconciliation and love we are called to do.
Diocesan Convention Delegates
Mr. Jack Cox
If chosen to attend, my priorities will be community outreach, maintaining respect for the dignity of every person, and dismantling the oppression of the patriarchy.
Ms. Diane Gabbard
Although I am devoted to Trinity, I am very interested in the church at the diocesan and national levels as well. This is a pivotal time in the history of our diocese as we have a new bishop, new canon to the ordinary, and new canon missioner; and all of our parishes have resumed in-person worship. It is a new beginning for us, and I hope to see great things happening. Attending the diocesan convention also helps me promote United Thank Offering. At past diocesan conventions I have presented the awards for UTO grants (always a highlight for the successful church to be recognized) and created a UTO display with lots of photos of people from the diocese. I have served the diocese as president of the Episcopal Church Women, and I am currently serving as the diocesan United Thank Offering coordinator.
Mr. Todd Garland
Having spent half of my life in the Episcopal Church and half of my life in the Roman Catholic Church, the greatest difference I see between the two churches is the opportunity for lay involvement in Episcopal Church governance and decisions. This makes a huge contribution to the Episcopal Church and I would be thrilled and honored to be a delegate.
Ms. Betty Mitchell
Here at Trinity, I am a member of the Outreach Commission, serve on Vestry, serve as a Sacristan, and am member of the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Board. This year, I served as a delegate to Diocesan Convention for the first time. Trinity is a wonderful family and I believe it’s also important that we known more about our larger diocesan family and how we can contribute to it.
Mr. Emery Schmidt
As a delegate to the Diocesan Convention, I would be representing our church family of Trinity. Important issues are equality for all and our continuing outreach programs to those in need.