Trinity Episcopal Church Vestry Minutes from May 13, 2019
Vestry Members Present:
Dennis Blom, Christi Bailey, John Cox, Lisa Edwards, Brandon Gabbard, Nancy Grayson, Chris Kelley, Gina Russ, Matt Swendiman, Paula Wolfe
Vestry Members Absent:
Katie Davidson, Josh Mitchell
Clergy Present:
Rev. Peter D’Angio, Rev. Justin Gabbard
Jean Brann, Tony Milburn, John Lucas, James Joo (from US Bank)
Opening Prayer:
Rev. Peter D’Angio
Call to Order:
Rev. Peter D’Angio
New Business:
Book of Remembrance – Tony Milburn
Tony Milburn distributed a BOR Portfolio Summary
John Lucas gave a brief history of the trust
Tony Milburn discussed current investing policy
James Joo discussed current investing strategy
Trusties and vestry will consider joining the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes and Rev. Peter D’Angio will investigate a trial membership option
Business improvement District – Tony Milburn
Tony Milburn distributed a BID Proposal document and BID map
Tony described the BID proposal and recommended that Trinity sign the proposal
Trinity and all non-profits are not assessed but can choose to self asses if desired
The BID would last five years and is governed by a board
An email will be sent requesting an electronic vote
Adoption of Consent Agenda:
Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio)
Associate Rector’s report (Rev. Justin Gabbard)
Family Ministry – (Shannon Gemeinhardt/Nancy Grayson)
Nurture and Parish Growth (Lisa Edwards/Paula Wolfe)
Communications (Dennis Blom)
Moved: Brandon Gabbard
Motion carried
Adoption of April 2019 Minutes:
Moved: Brandon Gabbard
Motion carried
Hearing from Parish:
Old Business:
Capital Campaign – Chris Kelley
Capital Campaign Committee is working on the tentative case statement
Matt Swendiman will present Finance 101 during TED on Sunday, May 19
New Business:
Finance – Matt Swendiman
Matt Swendiman distributed financial statements
YTD income is up $15,000
YTD expenses are down $7,500
Rev. Peter D’Angio, Nancy Grayson, and Matt Swendiman will work on income diversification
Calendar items – Rev. Peter D’Angio
The Bishop will visit on Sunday, June 16 and meet with the vestry after the service
The parish picnic is June 23
The Mozart Mass is June 9
Sprouts and Stouts – Rev. Peter D’Angio
The vestry thanks and commends all who participated in making Sprouts and Stouts a great success
Commission Reports:
Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio) – consent agenda
Associate Rector’s report (Rev. Justin Gabbard) – consent agenda
Deacon’s report (Deacon Joe O’Brochta) – no report
Outreach (Gina Russ) – no report
Family Ministry – (Shannon Gemeinhardt/Nancy Grayson) – consent agenda
Nurture and Parish Growth (Lisa Edwards/Paula Wolfe) – consent agenda
Financial Resources (Matt Swendiman/Josh Mitchell) – new business
Physical Resources (Brandon Gabbard) – no report
Communications (Dennis Blom) – consent agenda
Senior Warden (Chris Kelley) - no report
Junior Warden (Katie Davidson) - no report
ECW (Katie Davidson) - no report
Evangelism – no report
Capital Campaign (Chris Kelley) – no report
Moved: Rev. Peter D’Angio
Motion carried
The Lord’s Prayer
Next Meeting:
June 10, 2019, at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brandon Gabbard
Clerk of the Vestry