Trinity Episcopal Church Vestry Minutes from April 8, 2019
Vestry Members Present:
Dennis Blom, Christi Bailey, John Cox, Lisa Edwards, Katie Davidson, Brandon Gabbard, Chris Kelley, Gina Russ, Matt Swendiman, Paula Wolfe
Vestry Members Absent:
Nancy Grayson, Josh Mitchell
Clergy Present:
Rev. Peter D’Angio, Rev. Justin Gabbard
Opening Prayer:
Rev. Peter D’Angio
Call to Order:
Rev. Peter D’Angio
Sharing by Vestry Members:
Culture of Courtesy Covenant:
Culture of Courtesy Covenant distributed and read as a group
Adoption of Consent Agenda:
Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio)
Outreach (Gina Russ)
Nurture and Parish Growth (Lisa Edwards/Paula Wolfe)
Communications (Dennis Blom)
Moved: Chris Kelley
Motion carried
Adoption of March 2019 Minutes:
Moved: Chris Kelley
Motion carried
Hearing from Parish:
Episcopal and American flags – Chris Kelley
Chris Kelley reported a parishioner concern about the American and Episcopal Flags not being present in the sanctuary
Rev. Peter D’Angio directed the physical resources commission to bring the flags out of the tower entrance and locate them in the rear of the nave near the war memorials
Old Business:
Capital campaign study steering committee – Chris Kelley
Calendar set:
April 28 TED - Dream catching report and discussion
May 19 TED – Finance 101 led by Matt Swendiman
June 2 TED – Tentative case statement from steering committee and Andi Tillman
All three meetings will be recorded and put on web for those who are unable to attend
June 20-24 Andi Tillman does face-to-face interviews
All vestry members should function as leadership ambassadors
New Business:
Line of credit – Chris Kelley
Expected line of credit draw was made based on parameters set by vestry
Draw was $50,000.00
Current total credit used is $163,373
Covington Development Involvement – Rev. Peter D’Angio
Consulting firm led a design charrette event at Trinity on March 28,2019, about the future development of the IRS site
A civic dinner was hosted at Trinity by Rev. Peter D’Angio on April 5, 2019
Evangelism at Sprouts and Stouts – Rev. Justin Gabbard
Evangelism committee will have a table at Sprouts and Stouts
Rev. Justin will circulate a signup sheet on the shared drive for table volunteers
Vestry members encouraged to participate
Sabbatical grant application – Rev. Peter D’Angio
Motion: “Move that we approve the grant proposal as submitted.”
Moved: Chris Kelley
Motion carried
Motion: “Move that the vestry approve that Rev. Peter D’Angio take a sabbatical during the 2020-2021 timeframe.”
Moved: Chris Kelley
Motion to table
Moved: Chris Kelley
Motion to table carried
Motion: “Move that the vestry approve that Matt Swendiman sign the grant proposal in Josh Mitchell’s absence as laid out in the attached documents.”
Moved: Chris Kelley
Motion carried
Commission Reports:
Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio) – consent agenda
Associate Rector’s report (Rev. Justin Gabbard) – no report
Deacon’s report (Deacon Joe O’Brochta) – no report
Outreach (Gina Russ) – consent agenda
Family Ministry – (Shannon Gemeinhardt/Nancy Grayson) – no report
Nurture and Parish Growth (Lisa Edwards/Paula Wolfe) – consent agenda
Financial Resources (Matt Swendiman/Josh Mitchell) – no report
Physical Resources (Brandon Gabbard) – no report
Communications (Dennis Blom) – consent agenda
Senior Warden (Chris Kelley) - no report
Junior Warden (Katie Davidson) - no report
ECW (Katie Davidson) - no report
Moved: Rev. Peter D’Angio
Motion carried
Next Meeting:
May 13, 2019, at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brandon Gabbard
Clerk of the Vestry