Interim Rector Report: Feb. 21

Dear Trinity Church,

I recently read a story about a congregation in the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire that was closing its doors. As they prepared to say goodbye, one member learned that a newly forming congregation in the Diocese of Alabama was in need of a baptismal font. The remaining members of the New Hampshire church decided to donate theirs, but quickly realized that shipping it would be cost-prohibitive.

So, they got creative. Through the collective effort of Episcopalians across multiple states, the font was transported parking lot to parking lot, from one church to another, all the way from New Hampshire to Alabama. They called it the "Baptismal Font Relay."

I love this story. It reminds me that we are one Church with many locations, and that when we work together, we can accomplish great things that serve others and bring us closer to the Kingdom that Jesus proclaimed. This same spirit of collaboration is at work in our own parish as we discern the future leadership of Trinity. Applications are now open for the Rector Search Committee, and I encourage you to prayerfully consider being part of this important process. You can learn more and apply here.

This Sunday, we will gather for worship at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM, and at 5:00 PM, we will hold Evensong. As we near the end of the Epiphany season, this beautiful service invites us to reflect on Christ as the Light of the World, shining forth for all people. I have always found Evensong to be one of the most beautiful, magical, and mysterious worship experiences in the Anglican tradition. I encourage you all to attend.

The Lord be with you,


T.E.D. (Trinity Enlightened Discussion) for this Sunday at 11:30am:

Discussion of Holiday Saints


Ash Wednesday: Mar. 5