Trinity Episcopal Church Vestry Minutes - May 11, 2020

Vestry Members present: Nancy Grayson, Dennis Blom, Jean Brann, Joe Creaghead, Lisa Edwards, Betty Mitchell, Josh Mitchell, Gina Russ, Steve Van Allen, Paula Wolfe, Jim Swearingen

Vestry Members absent: Matt Swendiman

Clergy present: Peter D’Angio and The Rt. Rev. Mark Van Koevering

Guests present: John Deaver, Shannon Gemeinhardt, Susan Blom

Opening Prayer: The Rt. Rev. Mark Van Koevering

Call to Order: Peter D’Angio

Introducing Vestry members

Adoption of Consent Agenda:

  • Outreach Commission Report Apr 2020

  • Outreach 2020 Budget

  • Family Ministry Report May 2020

  • Budget 5.5.2020 update

  • Physical Resources Commission Report May 2020 (w/wish list)

Moved: Nancy Grayson, Josh Mitchell (2nd)   Motion carried

Adoption of April 2020 Minutes:

Moved: Nancy Grayson, Josh Mitchell (2nd)   Motion carried

New Business:


The focus of this meeting was for Bishop Mark Van Koevering to give the Vestry an update on COVID-19 and the reopening of Episcopal Churches in the Diocese of Lexington. Churches in the diocese will not open May 20th as the Governor has directed in his phased reopening. Governor Beshear met with the Council of Churches. Several members agreed that it is too soon to reopen.  He did, however, want guidance to set guidelines.

In discussions with diocesan clergy, senior wardens, and the diocese’s Executive Council, these are some of the issues that arose from those meetings.

  • Churches need to make good decisions going forward and to think in terms of “clarity” rather than “uncertainty”. 

  • Churches should take a phased “linear”approach, in other words, progressing from one stage to another in a single series of steps and noting that there may be possible frustrations as you go along this path. Flexibility is a key component of this path.

  • Each church is unique and will have their own plan to fit their particular needs.

  • Working in a collegiate manner and sharing ideas.

On Friday, May 15th, Mission House will give main guidelines to the churches in the diocese


Are we still going to use the guidelines you sent the vestry [in a slide format]?

Yes, and some of these guidelines were recently sent in a letter to all Trinity parishioners

Will you have to cancel Cathedral Domain summer camps?

Yes, the summer camps are cancelled. He also noted that this cancellation will cause financial stress for the diocese. Peter will be a part of a committee to discuss budget shortfalls for the future.

In your slides, under Season 4, you mentioned mass vaccinations. Are you saying that in order to get back to full operations at Trinity we might be looking at the Summer of 2021?

Our hearts are saying one thing but it may be harder when we look at the “science”. Normal is not our future.

Are parishioners angry?

The most important thing we can do for our parishioners is to communicate with them on a regular basis.

How vulnerable are our children?

This is what I have learned about this virus. Sometimes it is the length of time we are together and whether we meet in an enclosed space. The longer you are with someone who is sick, whether symptomatic or not, your risks of getting infected will increase.

Should we encourage our parishioners to seek free testing, even if they are not symptomatic?

Yes. Peter has also encouraged parishioners to get tested.

What about the eucharist, will we be able to celebrate it?

Even the Southern Diocese of Ohio with groups of ten or less will not have eucharist. You might want to think creatively about how to give the eucharist in the future. Increased testing will give us the confidence to move forward on this issue.


Peter’s comments and recommendations to reopen Trinity church

  • He asked the vestry to read some chapters from a book by Kenneth McFayden Strategic Leadership for a Change: Facing Our Losses, Finding Our Future before the next Vestry meeting.

  • He wants ideas and help from the vestry.

  • He suggested that our consulting firm TriUnity help with developing listening sessions to design a congregational process.

  • He wants to work with the commissions of Trinity to develop a plan.

  • The design process should include a “grieving” component and a plan for the future.

    Vestry member comments and recommendations

  • We need to have a plan, even if it evolves and changes every day.

  • Communicate with parishioners on a regular basis. Keep the parishioners strong and hopeful through this communication.

  • The plan should include “what”, “how”, and “when”. Right now this is what our future looks like and it is unclear, vague, and ill-defined.

  • The “new normal” is the online live streamed worship service. Possibly continue this format even when the COVID crisis is over.

  • Incorporate the new “Caring Circle” groups as a way to bring parishioners back to church.

Old Business:

  • Financial Update (Josh Mitchell)

    • Giving and general pledging is still down; no estimate right now

    • Hopefully the “known” and “unknown” financial items will offset each other

      • knowns – not paying Associate Rector, increasing the Family Ministry Director duties (Shannon Gemeinhardt), coffee ministry and flower guild has been halted, Amazon Smile sales are up, received two generous gifts to help pay for the organ restoration (designated gift), some of the Capital Campaign money has been allocated, but not all, and there was savings from the treasury audit that was recently completed

    • Peter has started “online asking” on the live stream worship service

    • Josh Mitchell will follow up with the Commissions about their current budgets

  • Financial Update (Peter D’Angio

    • ·  The USBank paycheck protection program for Trinity was denied. They needed more documentation to move forward

Discussion and document

Motion: none                                                                   

This was not a motion to approve, just a discussion            

  • Physical Resources Wish List update (Joe Creaghead)

    • The wish list discussion was added to the agenda but tabled. The Commission

      Needs some more time to discuss the items on the list and their budget.

Motion: none                                                           

Commission Reports:

  • Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio) – weekly reports via email

  • Outreach (Betty Mitchell) – consent agenda, 2 reports/budget

  • Family Ministry (Shannon Gemeinhardt / Nancy Grayson) – consent agenda

  • Nurture and Parish Growth (Lisa Edwards) – no report

  • Financial Resources (Matt Swendiman / Josh Mitchell) – consent agenda

  • Physical Resources (Joe Creaghead) – consent agenda

  • Communications (Dennis Blom) –  no report

  • Senior Warden (Nancy Grayson) – no report

  • Junior Warden (Paula Wolfe) – no report


Moved: Peter D’Angio                              Motion carried

Next Meeting:

Meeting, June 8, 2020, at 6:30 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Gina Russ

Clerk, Vestry


Trinity Episcopal Church Vestry Minutes - June 8, 2020


Trinity Episcopal Church Vestry Minutes - April 20, 2020