Trinity Episcopal Church Vestry Minutes February 10, 2020

Vestry Members present: Nancy Grayson, Dennis Blom, Lisa Edwards, Betty Mitchell, Josh Mitchell, Gina Russ, Jim Swearingen, Matt Swendiman, Steve Van Allen

Vestry Members absent:  Joe Creaghead, Paula Wolfe, Jean Brann

Clergy present: Rev. Peter D’Angio

Opening Prayer: Josh Mitchel 

Call to Order: Rev. Peter D’Angio

Sharing by Vestry members

Adoption of Consent Agenda:

·      2020 budget (revised)

·      Lay Pastoral Assistant Position Description

·      EYC Director Job Description

·      Rector’s Report

·      How the Vestry Can Support the Parish

·      John Deaver’s Letter to the Vestry

·      Capital Campaign Report

·      Communications (Dennis Blom) 

·      Nurture and Parish Growth (Lisa Edwards) 

Moved: Nancy Grayson                            Motion carried

Adoption of January 2020 Minutes:

·      Moved: Josh Mitchell                               Motion carried 

Old Business:

·      Associate Rector / staffing update           

o    Still no progress on acquiring an Associate Rector

o    Coverage for pastoral care duties during this time – Susan Blom

o    Coverage for EYC duties during this time – Shannon Gemeinhardt

o    When a new Associate Rector arrives, the two positions will dissolve

o    How the vestry can support the Parish – by attending events and visiting with prospective new members of the parish

o    Vote to spend the Associate Rector money, $29,000 annually – see budget discussion

Discussion (with documentation on job descriptions and the vestry’s role)

Moved:   Motion carried over to the Budget discussion

·      Diocese Loan update (refinancing)           

o    2016, 2017, 2018 audit – forego these, too old

o    2019 audit – will use a larger firm to audit this year. Matt Swendiman is trying

to locate a firm. The only way to refinance the Diocese loan is to do this audit. Josh Mitchell will send the “Statement of Work” to be reviewed to Matt.

o    Budget numbers will be adjusted


No Motion                                          

·      Budget 2020 

(SEE preliminary discussion “Vestry Retreat Budget Report” in March consent agenda folder)

o   Revised budget report issued a few days before meeting on February 5.

o   Income up – pledge and plate

o   Some aspects of personal expenses

o   1.7% raise with inflation

o   44,000 less if Trinity does not acquire an Associate Rector 

o   Shannon Gemeinhardt’s base salary would change if she became

a temporary EYC Director

o   Other parts of the budget

o   Outreach budget could be lower – removal of a Deacon

o   VBS budget increase –some lay people paying out-of-pocket

o   Increasing the music fund for the organ repair

o   Nurture Commission increase

o   Capital Campaign may decrease – Andi, TriUnity Consulting

o   Discussion about the paid soprano in the Choir

o   Overall – Josh Mitchell says that the $86,580 deficit may go down


Moved: Nancy Grayson                                  Motion carried

            Motion to approve entire budget with deficit of $86,580                             

Commission Reports:

·      Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio) – consent agenda

·      Outreach (Betty Mitchell) – no report     

·      Family Ministry (Shannon Gemeinhardt / Nancy Grayson) – no report

·      Nurture and Parish Growth (Lisa Edwards) –  consent agenda

·      Financial Resources (Matt Swendiman / Josh Mitchell) – budget

·      Physical Resources (Joe Creaghead) – no report

·      Communications (Dennis Blom) –  consent agenda

·      Senior Warden (Nancy Grayson) – no report

·      Junior Warden (Paula Wolfe) – no report


·      Moved: Peter D’Angio                              Motion carried

Next Meeting:

·      March 9, 2020, at 6:30 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Gina Russ

Clerk, Vestry



Trinity Episcopal Church Vestry Minutes - April 20, 2020


Trinity Episcopal Church Vestry Minutes January 13, 2020