Trinity Episcopal Church Vestry Minutes January 13, 2020
Vestry Members present: Nancy Grayson, Dennis Blom, Jean Brann, Joe Creaghead, Lisa Edwards, Betty Mitchell, Josh Mitchell, Gina Russ, Jim Swearingen, Matt Swendiman, Steve Van Allen, Paula Wolfe
Vestry Members absent:
Clergy present: Rev. Peter D’Angio
Opening Prayer: Rev. Peter D’Angio
Call to Order: Rev. Peter D’Angio
Sharing by Vestry members
Culture of Courtesy Covenant:
Culture of Courtesy Covenant distributed and read as a group
Adoption of Consent Agenda:
Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio)
Family Ministry (Shannon Gemeinhardt / Nancy Grayson)
Nurture and Parish Growth (Lisa Edwards / Paula Wolfe) – November
Moved: Peter D’Angio Motion carried
Adoption of November and December 2019 Minutes:
Moved: Peter D’Angio Motion carried
Election of Officers:
Sr. Warden – Nancy Grayson
Moved: Josh Mitchell Motion carried
Jr. Warden – Paula Wolfe
Moved: Josh Mitchell Motion carried
Clerk – Gina Russ
Moved: Josh Mitchell Motion carried
Treasurer (resuming position from 2019) – Josh Mitchell
Moved: Nancy Grayson Motion carried
Commission of Committee Liaisons:
Outreach (Betty Mitchell)
Family Ministry (Nancy Grayson)
Nurture and Parish Growth (Lisa Edwards)
Financial Resources (Josh Mitchell)
Planned Giving (Matt Swendiman) group not yet formalized
Stewardship (Josh Mitchell/ (Matt Swendiman) group not yet formalized
Physical Resources (Joe Creaghead)
Communications (Dennis Blom)
Evangelism (Steve Van Allen)
Pastoral Care (Paula Wolfe)
ECW (Katie Davidson)
Commission of Book of Remembrance Trustees
BOR Trustees Jean Brann and John Lucas reappointed for a 3 year term expiring 12/31/2023
- not Tony — the Milburn family
Moved: Matt Swendiman Motion carried
Old Business:
“potential educational opportunity” presentation, no. 2
Second presentation – their goals and what they wanted from the Vestry
Vestry received & reviewed their extended proposal and budget prior to the meeting (follow up from presentation last fall)
Comments from two school committee persons from Trinity
(Shannon Gemeinhardt and Natalie Gabbard)
Presentation and Discussion
Motion to table by Josh Mitchell: Vestry has more questions and want to review their budget Motion to table carried
New Business:
Proposal to Repair Organ (Guests: John Deaver and Mike Rathke)
Organ showing signs of deflection and collapse after many years of little maintenance
22 of the pipes out of 35 need repair
Jean Brann suggested contacting Tony Milburn for potential source of funding
(he gifted the organ to Trinity in 1994)
Timing – start in 6 months. Price valid for 30 days from start; price might fluctuate ($17,152.50 - proposal for pipe organ services report)
Presentation and Discussion
Motion tabled, Josh Mitchell; budget considerations for February meeting
Rector’s Housing Allowance
$24, 000 for 2020 housing allowance approval, for tax purposes
Moved: Josh Mitchell Motion carried:
Calendar review and upcoming dates
Associate Rector search
Keeping search open, prospects not good right now
Peter requested a leadership team
Provinces 5, 6, and 7 search results (Transition Minister’s meeting in Dec. 2019)
Dioceses represented 23
clergy presented 15
total clergy needed 155
full time 57
part time 98
Commission Reports:
Rector’s report (Rev. Peter D’Angio) – consent agenda
Deacon’s report (Deacon Joe O’Brochta) – no report
Outreach (Gina Russ) - no report
Family Ministry (Shannon Gemeinhardt / Nancy Grayson) – consent agenda
Nurture and Parish Growth (Lisa Edwards / Paula Wolfe) – consent agenda, Nov
Financial Resources (Matt Swendiman / Josh Mitchell) – no report
Physical Resources (Brandon Gabbard) – no report
Communications (Dennis Blom) – no report
Senior Warden (Chris Kelley) – no report
Junior Warden (Katie Davidson) – no report
ECW (Katie Davidson) – no report
Moved: Josh Mitchell Motion carried
Next Meeting:
Retreat, February 1, 2020, 9 am to 3 pm
Meeting, February 10, 2020, at 6:30 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Gina Russ
Clerk, Vestry